Washington’s tweets and twitters were unconnected to certain recent headlines. The tabloids have been transported into ecstasies of outrage and indignation over The Feud. Forget Hamilton and Burr or Bette and Joan. Today it’s youth idols Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.
After checking their videos, for your benefit, I admit the multitude of hair styles, wild costumes and distracting gyrations of the male dancers have made it impossible for me to tell who’s who or what’s what. The magnitude of the increasingly fiery situation (since 2009!) impels me to attempt an explanation lest you be left out of your younger friends’ discussions.
After scrolling through reams of rumors, insults, denials and denials of denials, I found the snowballing issues varied and obtuse. Space restricts me to only one current example with some quotation marks for accuracy.
It seems Taylor, by coincidence, is releasing a new album and the cover will be on the side of several UPS trucks. One part of the brouhaha concerns a video of “a revenge-themed clap-back song” (?) called “Reputation” in which she packed a note in a UPS gift box and (hang on to your hats) “was making eyes directly at the camera.” What more need be said? As for Katy, she posted a clip of herself dancing to Kanye West’s song rapping about Swift.
The lyrics, no doubt you recall, caused the drama between West, Swift, Kanye and Kim Kardashian! (Whaaat?). “West claimed Swift approved of him calling her a bitch.” Who? Taylor, Kim, Katy? And who is Tyler Perry? Stop. I’ve got a headache. Just throw in these names. The youngsters will take over and you’ll get points for being “cool.”
“Commona my house”
LGBT seniors (who understand the title reference) are often in search of the company of people free of the prejudices of the past. This is needed as many must start a new social life in unfamiliar surroundings plus the fact our friendship circle keeps shrinking.
While San Diego offers many established opportunities, you can also form your own convivial, weekly group. By “convivial” I exclude those engaging in serious harangues of gender issues or politics. I refer to no shouting, no tension, fun-filled meetings like the two I attend. You start with phone calls and perseverance until there are four to eight members. If more, there will be conflicting chatter as people comment mainly with nearby people they can hear.
On recommendation, a friend may be invited and welcomed as a guest without mentioning membership. If the vibes are good, invite them again before bringing it up.
Begin with gathering at your place or the building’s meeting room. From the start, provide only coffee lest more be regularly expected. The time period should be one and a half to two hours and convenient for you, the organizer. Let them accommodate your schedule. Of course, consider ride-sharing and parking. World, local and personal news will not let the conversation lag. A set topic is possible, but invariably soon veers off; nobody cares, as long as the mood stays light-hearted and congenial.
Unfortunately, some once fun topics are currently not so fun. Change the subject at the first sign of clenched fists or overly polite, tight smiles. The point is to pleasantly mingle with like-minded friends. After a few sessions, things will smooth out. Give it a try.