Hundreds of thousands speak out on #TransMilitaryBan on

With the White House announcing new rules for implementing President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender service members hundreds of thousands of people have signed a petition on to allow transgender people into the U.S. military.

The petition, started by Kaitlin Jozokos, has nearly 230,000 signatures and and momentum continues to build. The petition states:

On Wednesday, July 26, 2017, Donald Trump announced that transgender individuals would no longer be accepted or allowed into the U.S. Military because their cost is a “burden.” This is extremely disgraceful and an insult to all those who have already given their lives for this country. This is not equality, and this is not “supporting the LGBT community,” as he said he does. This is utterly transphobic. Many people who served are going to be left jobless, and many others will no longer be able to fulfill their dreams. This is not okay, and this should not be legal. Trans people are still people.

Sign the petition here.


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