I spend hours at this machine trying to amuse and advise my loyal readers – those who still remember Petticoat Junction, Jack Paar and how to use a mimeograph machine. I also allot a generous amount of time to satisfying my addiction to The New York Times’ Sunday Crossword. My loyalty to the weekday challenges, however, wavers due to their progressive difficulty. I whizz through Monday to Wednesday, give it a go Thursday, and concede Friday and Saturday on doctor’s orders. I become enraged at some of the synonyms, many of the obscurities and all of the 1940s Heisman trophy winners. Worst, as all but the mental masochists will agree, are the tricky and surely illegal answers in which several of the letters are squeezed into one (ONE!) space for a “cute” surprise.
Of happier note, I report a first in a recent poser: an answer relating to our community. Undoubtedly the given definition is confusing for you outside the crossword arena, but think about it and slowly (with the hint I just gave you) the light will dawn. Ready? Four letters: “Like the group you’re in if you’re out for short.” A comma would have helped.
For the uninitiated, it says we are not looking for the long answer, but the short one. Possibly too tricky for the Bible Belt or the Dakotas, but I am sure Hillcrest solvers will get the answer: LGBT. I chose this as a worthy topic because I cannot recall ever finding such an obvious reference to our world in any major media puzzle. Of further note, about ten days later, to my amazement, it appeared again. I wonder if we might soon become one of the standard solutions along with Ra, Uta, obi and asp.
More than just a magazine
I am pleased many of you put up your tent, adjust your blankets and folding chairs and wait stoically throughout the night at the LGBT Weekly distribution centers to grab your treasured copy with the ink still wet.
I am dismayed, however, to find that with such devotion some are unaware of more that is accessible of matters concerning LGBTTIQQ2S (There is a whisper of a chance I will possibly, maybe, perhaps make further comment on this term anon). You are certainly mindful that the magazine is available via the Internet, but if rumors are true, many seniors are not particularly computer savvy.
I fear a number of my readers hesitate to venture into Internet realms other than email and artistic photography. They mistakenly think the site consists merely of a copy of the printed form and fail to realize it offers more.
For example, community news is updated daily even hourly. Stories, interviews and announcements relevant to our world appear exclusively in the online edition along with some extra advertisements and special offers which you may want to explore.
If you have missed an issue or article, they are stored and available for your enjoyment. Furthermore, if you wish to ask a question, comment on an article, offer a topic suggestion or contact the author, you can do so online.
Personally, I do not face or twit, but contact is possible through our regular site or at billatlgbt@gmail.com. I love actually holding a book, newspaper or letter, so please join me as I continue the tactile enjoyment of our magazine, plus add to your pleasure and awareness of what’s happening by exploring the extras at lgbtweekly.jeffjungblut.com.