Gay architect placed on probation for ramming parking official

A gay man who angrily drove into a parking enforcement official in La Jolla after he got a parking ticket was sentenced July 28 to 90 days in a work furlough center for felony assault.

Peter Alex Dreier, 42, of Hillcrest, apologized to the victim repeatedly for the April 19 incident when Dreier drove into the 3-wheeled scooter driven by Ray Bunband, knocking it over and sending Bunband to Scripps La Jolla Hospital with minor injuries.

Dreier is an architect whose job qualified for work furlough in which he will be locked up at nights and weekends at a facility but will be able to go to work during the day on terms of three years probation. Dreier apologized to San Diego Police officer Ray Bunband who was in the courtroom audience along with Bunband’s supervisor and a co-worker.

San Diego Superior Court Judge Polly Shamoon ordered Dreier to perform 10 days of public service works, pay a $1,324 fine and restricted his driver’s license. Dreier must pay $176 per month for probation supervision.

“I’m disgusted with myself for my lack of self-control. There’s … no ill will. I’m so sorry,” said Dreier, who added that sometimes his boyfriend calms him down.

“My anger was completely misdirected. My anger is completely under control now,” said Dreier, who explained he meets with a therapist to address this problem. “It has brought me a new level of peace.”

“You deserve far better than this. I wish I could make it up to you,” said Dreier.

Deputy District Attorney Michael Reilly said Dreier’s words in court were in “sharp contrast” to what happened at the scene in the 800 block of Prospect Street. After he struck the scooter, it crashed into a parked Honda, causing $1,800 damage to it, according to the probation report.

“The defendant struck his vehicle, intentionally knocking him over,” said Reilly, who added that Dreier didn’t stop to render aid and drove off in his Saab. “The behavior in this case was extremely dangerous,” he added.

“I continue to be nervous,” said Bunband, who asked and received a restraining order against Dreier.

Bunband told the probation department he still has lower back pain that has not gone away despite physical therapy. He said the public only considers parking enforcement officers to be “nice,” but “only if we give a break to someone” and not write a citation.

Dreier parked in a commercial loading zone around noon after he was unable to find a place to park while delivering some office supplies. When he returned, he crumpled up the ticket and threw it at Bunband after exchanging words. The fine for the ticket is $57.50.

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