NEW YORK CITY — Activists demonstrated inside the Trump Tower atrium on Tuesday to voice their objection in response to reports that Donald Trump is considering firing Robert Mueller and pardoning administration members who have broken the law.
Members of Rise and Resist, a NYC-based direct action group, carried signs stating ‘You can’t fire the truth’, ’No pardons for kleptocrats’, and ‘Hands off Mueller’ while chanting inside the Trump property and distributed leaflets conveying a simple, direct message – Trump cannot be allowed to obstruct justice.
“The situation is all too reminiscent of the Saturday Night Massacre and Nixon’s firing of Archibald Cox,” said Rise and Resist member Donna Gould. “I’m here protesting because I want to sound a wake-up call to help prevent a constitutional crisis.”
“I fear the president is trying to do an end run around the judicial system, and I’m very afraid that he’s going to get rid of Mueller by dealing dark and dirty,” said Jonathan Walker, a member of Rise and Resist.
Rise and Resist formed in response to the 2016 US election, and is committed to opposing, disrupting, and defeating any government act that threatens democracy, equality, and our civil liberties. Previous Rise and Resist actions include a “cough-in” at Jean-Georges restaurant, a Federal Plaza rally decrying Medicaid cuts, and a protest against Trump’s abbreviated visit to New York City in May.