As a progressive Christian, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to a loving God; this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!
Did you know that God wants you to enjoy your life right now? You don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect in your life, your family, your job or for all your problems to be solved. You don’t have to wait for happiness until you lose those extra pounds, kick that habit or accomplish that goal. No, God wants you to be happy right where you are, right as you are, right now!
Life is about choices. Someone once said we are the sum of our choices. Think about it. I remind you that happiness is a choice too. When you get up in the morning, you can choose to be happy and enjoy the day, or you can choose to be grumpy, unhappy and go around with an attitude. It’s up to you.
I know it’s easier said than done, but you can choose to find great joy in the little things too: a smile, a flower, a sunset. Or you can allow your circumstances (or the way you view them) to determine your happiness, and risk missing out on God’s abundant life for you.
Maybe you don’t want to hear this. You’re going through tough times, or you may have some major obstacles in your life – all of which give you good reason to be unhappy and miserable and upset. But tell me, how will being miserable and unhappy change anything for the better? I know misery loves company and a lot of miserable people would want to saddle up next to you, but being negative isn’t going to improve a thing. So, why not choose to be happy and enjoy your life. This is the day that God has made, I’m going to rejoice and be glad in it. Sounds like a good choice to me!
When you do that, not only will you feel better (and those around you too), but your attitude and faith in God will work wonders in your life and circumstances. God knows we have difficulties, struggles and challenges; that’s life. It can be exhausting for us to live one day on cloud nine, and the next day down in the dumps, defeated and depressed. I’ve been on that roller coaster; roller coasters might be fun for a while, but after some time you start waving your hands, “Let me off!”
Now, I believe depression is real. I believe in therapy and getting help when we need it. There is no shame in that. Mental health is to be taken seriously. And I believe God wants us to enjoy life; every single day of our lives. But to do so, we have to stop being so anxious about the future. Quit worrying about how everything’s going to turn out. Try to stay in the present. Oh, we can stress and obsess can’t we? Wisdom in the 12-Step program says, “Live one day at a time” – one day at a time, sweet Jesus! And make the most of every moment.
Yes, it’s a good thing to set goals for your life, to make budgets and plans, but if you’re always living in the future, you’re never really enjoying the present. You’ve heard people say, “I’ll be happy when …”
When we focus too much on the future, we’re just going to get frustrated because we can’t predict what’s around the corner. So, this uncertainty increases our stress level and creates a subliminal sense of insecurity.
This is the day; God has given us the grace and strength to live today; give us this day, strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow. I believe when we get to tomorrow, we’ll have the strength to make it through. God will give us what we need one day at a time just like the manna from heaven. But when we’re worried about tomorrow right now, we’re gonna get frustrated and discouraged and probably fearful.
Life is too short not to enjoy every single day. Learn to enjoy your family, your friends and your health. Learn to enjoy your work, enjoy everything in your life.
I like this quote: “Happiness is a decision you make, not an emotion you feel.”
We can have God’s peace in our lives. Peace in the midst of grief, turmoil, pain, suffering, heartache, loneliness, sickness, stress. We can tap into God’s supernatural peace; that peace that passes all understanding. Our thoughts can really get us into a funk and keep us there, or our thinking can get us out of that place and into a place that’s more hopeful and energizing. In the midst of stuff we can go to Peace or we can go to pieces.
I love the Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”
Today, I’m reminding myself to bloom where I’m planted, to look for the blessings and count them one by one, to be grateful for this day that God has given me and to rejoice and be glad in it. Will you join me?