LGBT Republicans: it’s your fault

Well Obamacare got the first six nails in its coffin with the passing of the American Health Care Act by the House of Representatives. Republican congressmen and women decided that their party affiliation was more important than the health care of over 20 million Americans.

LGBT Republicans you made the decision last November, as did the other 63 million voters, to vote for Donald Trump. Now you must step forward and suffer the consequences of the rejection by your community. I asked any one of you to step forward 100 days later and defend your vote with an editorial; guess what, only one person stepped forward and then backed out.

LGBT Republicans helped prevent the first woman president and put into office a man who has taken away health care for many underprivileged Americans. In addition, Trump is slowly removing the benefits that President Obama afforded the LGBT community through executive orders. Blame LGBT Republicans.

Ostrich burying head in sand. Ignoring problems concept.

The over 20 percent of LGBT people that voted for Trump need to be held accountable. Of course, at this point not one will say they voted for him. Once again, I ask one of you who voted for Trump to step forward and justify your decision. I won’t hold my breath.

I am absolutely done with people who vote against their own self-interest because they are uninformed. Many of the people who voted for Trump are angry that he is trying to repeal Obamacare. Why? They were so uninformed his voters did not know that the Affordable Care Act was Obamacare. Now Republicans, including the LGBT variety, are taking to town halls across America to express their concern. That’s what they get for voting for a reality star instead of super qualified Hillary Clinton.

I love the law of unintended consequences. LGBT Republicans that voted for Trump may now truly understand the term; actions of people – and especially of government – always have effects that are unanticipated or unintended. So that vote for Trump may produce a loss of health care for family members or friends. That vote for Trump has negatively impacted your transgender friend. That vote for Trump may have your Dreamer friend deported.

The Trump administration is also removing references to the existence of the LGBT community. No questions in the 2020 census about sexual orientation or gender identity. I guess we don’t count and should not be counted.

So, all you LGBT Republicans that voted for Trump can be an ostrich and put your head in the sand, but remember what’s exposed; your ass. I hope the community takes full advantage of holding you to account for your vote. I know I will.



San Diego LGBT Weekly

10 thoughts on “LGBT Republicans: it’s your fault

  1. Mr. Corbin,

    I accept your challenge for an op-ed, and your tone is completely unacceptable, it’s like me blaming you personally for all of the issues that have come from the Obama administration. What happened to the concept of working together, I don’t know about you, but I’ve been meeting with the Department of education to establish new guidelines that are enforceable for trans kids in school. You are lost in your own rhetoric. I asked for and got minimal support from the LGBT community to help prepare the White Paper we presented.

    I guess I didn’t see your original offer but I will write an op-ed as soon as I prepare the response requested by the Trump Administration on the document we presented.

    Gina Roberts
    Log Cabin Republicans San Diego

  2. Actually nobody ever needs to justify their vote to anyone but I’ll make an attempt to clear up a lot of issues, which seem to escape the attention of our community.

    Gina Roberts

  3. Gina,
    Please also in your op ed tell us just how it was that Trump “grabbed your pussy” to vote for him. Yes, indeed, I just used vulgar/obnoxious language which I don’t use but YOUR guy uses that type of language so I suppose that’s the new norm so I’m supposing you are OK with me also using it.
    You do realize don’t you, that had he been an executive with any publicly traded company he would have been fired (rightfully so) way back in his Rosie demeaning days. And you feel he’s qualified to run this country and things are going just swell thus far?

  4. This is laughable, for once in your life leftists own your own blame.
    You LGBT leftists managed to piss off the vast silent majority in flyover country, and small town USA.
    They are sick and tire of your politically correct crap, your insisting some Baptist baker has to bake a cake for a lesbian weeding.
    They want to live and let live, and you want to cram your gay agenda down their throats. They could care less who you sleep with or what you do behind closed doors with another adult.
    Because of you forcing your lifestyle on them you got what you deserve.

    Next Time try to give a little to get a little, try being accepting before demanding acceptance. And most of all, shun the cry bullies among you.

    Liz W

  5. I would respond as a “gay Republican” if I didn’t hate the Republicans as well as the Democrats, but I still think this editorial deserves some comment.

    The Democrats weren’t so great supporting gay rights. When they had total control of Congress and Obama was president (2009-2011), they had an opportunity to pass ENDA (to end discrimination against gays in employment, housing and public accommodations nationwide) and failed to do so.

    Obama was against gay marriage in the first years of his presidency.

    Hillary was against gay marriage when she ran against Obama.

    Bill Clinton signed off on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the “Defense of (heterosexual) Marriage Act”.

    But the Clintons and Obamas are heroes to the gay community. I don’t see why.

    Then there’s the fact that a majority of black and Latino Democrats voted against gay marriage in California.

    But they got a pass, while the white male head of Mozilla was driven out of his job for doing the exact same thing. Double-standard, anyone?

    As for Trump, he has not said a single thing against gays that I am aware of.

    On the contrary, he rejected the anti-gay parts of the Republican Platform when he accepted his nomination to be the party’s candidate for President. Of course, you’ll never hear about that from the LGBT weekly or any of the rest of the fake news anti-Trump media.

    Gay issues aside, I would like to know exactly what it is that makes the Democrats different from the Republicans.

    Hillary’s campaign was funded by Wall Street. Hillary supported the war in Libya, which is now a failed state full of terrorists. Obama droned thousands of people, including many innocents.

    The Democratic Party used to be the party that defended the American worker and was against pointless wars. It has now become the party that attacks the American worker by wanting to flood this country with cheap immigrant labor and by wanting to please corporations by offshoring as many American jobs as possible. You cannot get a liberal or a Democrat to support anything serious that would stop illegal immigration so that unemployed Americans (including many blacks) could get a decent job and employers would have to pay a decent wage.

    Bottom line: you don’t need war-mongering Wall Street Republicans when you have so many Democrats eager to fill that role. So what is the difference between Democrats and Republicans? No difference except that the Democrats are lying hypocrites who tell you that they are for American workers and for peace when in fact they are not.

    Donald Trump is hated not just by Democrats, but by Republicans as well. That ought to tell you something.

    Since both political parties are screwing average Americans, it makes sense to support someone they both hate. And that’s what Trump’s voters did. That’s what I did as a gay man.

    In the meantime, Corbin Stampp needs to stop acting like a kid whose favorite toy was taken away. You lost. Get over it. Better yet, figure out why so many people who voted for Obama twice in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio voted for Trump this time around. They did that because the Democratic Party not only abandoned them, but showed disdain for them and their concerns.

    All this bleating about Russia (which Obama ridiculed Romney for saying it was a threat to us) shows that the Democrats are not only incapable of serious self-criticism, they’ve seriously gone off the deep end.

  6. Andrew;
    It’s obvious to you and I that the Republicans are the true liberals.
    Liberals have a live and let live attitude and believe in the old hippy saying “do your thing but not on me”. The Democratic party has always been the Judas party leading those whom they say they support to marginalization and ultimately to slaughter. I could go on about how the Democratic party is the party of the KKK but the history of this is still on the web for anybody to see, if they are not too lazy.

    Why is Trump under attack by both sides?
    That is simple, he doesn’t represent the establishment, as a matter of fact he wants to depose the establishment and return power to the people.
    Oddly enough Trump and Sanders are not that far apart politically, the difference being Trump is less willing to tax the hell out of us and give away free stuff to whoever wants it.

    Trump is, and has always been pro LGBT, in the new documentary Get Me Roger Stone you will see Trump marching with Log Cabin Republicans in NYC gay parades, he has done this more then once. Trump knows, as a business man that all that matters is, Can you do the Job, and will you disrupt harmony in the workplace. The reason Stamp Cobban and many in the LBGT are not pro Trump is they are too lazy to seek out the truth about Donald John Trump, too afraid to go against the establishment and unwilling to think for themselves.
    The facts are out there, but as you well know, you can lead a LGBT member to the truth, but you cannot make them read it.

    Liz W

  7. I saw this on someone else’s pages a makes sense
    So let me get this straight(no pun intended)
    President Trump the first republican candidate in history to mention the LGBT community at the RNC to thunderous applause. President Trump who changed the rules of his pageant so a trans woman could compete. President Trump who supported an amendment to the civil rights act to protect LGBT people before it was a political talking point. President Trump who stated people could use whatever bathroom they feel comfortable with in any of his buildings. President Trump who put the blame on Islam instead of Guns when 49 members of my community were massacred. President Trump who’s made AIDS/HIV research a priority. President Trump who’s stated gay marriage is the law of the land and has no plans to overturn it. President Trump who signed an EO specifically stating the protection of the LGBT community. President Trump who kept Obamas EO that provided federally employed same sex couples the same benefits. President Trump who appointed an openly gay man as the UN ambassador for gay rights. President Trump who just named an openly gay man as the Head of NATO. Is somehow homophobic and coming after us?
    But please liberals would you care to explain to me what Democrats have done to make lives better within the LGBT community? Would that be the time they signed DOMA into law(ironically what caused gay marriage to go to the Supreme Court in the first place) Or perhaps DADT? Maybe it was when they controlled all 3 houses of government and still didn’t try to make same sex marriage legal the *gasp legal way. Maybe it was that time they legalized child prostitution in CA (more irony because the majority of gay homeless teens are forced into this line of work). Or Perhaps it was them siding with the religion of “peace” over our community when 49 of us were gunned down. .
    Meanwhile the things that are really destroying our community you nitwits remain silent on. The homelessness rate of gay teens is still staggeringly high. Drug and alcohol abuse are commonplace. HIV and STD’s are still very much big problems(yes, even with prep) depression rates are still at an all time high. We have a mass flow of people with ideologies that are a direct threat to our very lives coming into this country. The community that once banded together and proved we were strong during the AIDS epidemic has turned into a community of those vying for the position of biggest victim. And the problems within the transgender community are even more disheartening (where they can pee isn’t one of them btw)
    So my dear leftist fags, queers, non binary glitter shitting unicorns, and the like while you’re all screaming bigotry and homophobia at every micro aggression and making complete asses of yourself in public while doing do. You’ll have to forgive me when I very politely tell you to go fuck yourselves. You do not speak nor do you represent me or the other members of the LGBT community who don’t feel the need to make every last aspect of our lives based on our sexuality. You’re an embarrassment and embody everything that is wrong with both our culture and society!
    One of the gays capable of thinking for themselves.

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