SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — Hornet, the premium gay social network, recently surveyed its French users regarding France’s presidential election. The findings of Hornet’s survey show that gay men under 30 years of age were more likely to prefer far-right party candidate Marine Le Pen than were gay men over 30.
This online consultation was conducted by Hornet among its users between April 27-28, 2017. There were 5,224 respondents to “Who will you vote for in the second round?”; 5,093 respondents to “Who did you vote for in the first round?”; and 5,174 respondents to a question that asked the age of the respondents.
In the poll, under-30s account for almost half of the surveyed respondents. Depending on the age of the respondents, responses were very mixed. Between 18 and 29 years old, the votes in favor of Marine Le Pen are much more significant than those over the age of 30. The candidate of the National Front exceeds 40% in this age group. For those over 30 years of age, Emmanuel Macron receives 56.5% of votes against 43.5% for Marine Le Pen.
Hornet’s survey analyzed the deferral of votes among the five main candidates in the first round. Not surprisingly, first round voters of Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron voted almost exclusively for their candidate in the second round (with 99.18% and 97.12%, respectively). Voters of Benoit Hamon report majority favor of Emmanuel Macron, at 90.43%. However, voters of the other two candidates, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and François Fillon, show more contrasted results. Among the voters of Mélenchon, Le Pen collects nearly 30% of the votes (29.68%). As for the voters of Fillon, Le Pen collects the majority vote with 61%.
In Paris, Hornet’s European News Editor Christophe Martet stated, “This poll suggests that, in their votes, younger gay voters are less likely to be influenced by the image and history of Marine Le Pen’s extreme right party views, and that their votes are driven by other factors like employment, security and political new faces.”
If elected this Sunday, Le Pen will potentially repeal the laws on marriage equality and adoption by gay couples and will oppose medically assisted procreation (PMA) and surrogate mothers (GPA). Conversely, candidate Macron will not change the law on marriage and adoption if elected. He opposed the GPA, but not the PMA. He also stated he was ready to put in place a comprehensive plan to fight LGBT-phobia, especially in schools.
For more information on this study, please see the link that provides all survey responses and data that highlight Hornet’s findings: http://bit.ly/2qFuR6I