LGBT Republicans got what they wanted last November. I hope they are happy. I was perplexed last November, as I am always with the concept of an LGBT Republican, because their party proves time and time again they do not support LGBT people. Twenty percent of LGBT people voted for Donald Trump and helped him become president of the United States.
Now finding an LGBT Republican that will talk about their vote for Trump is like finding a needle in a haystack. No one wants to step forward and defend what is happening in Trump’s White House. Who would, given Trump’s executive orders and ridiculous proposed health care reform?
Our LGBT Republican friends helped Trump appoint an anti-LGBT head of the Civil Rights Division of the Health and Human Services Department. Yes, the Civil Rights Division. It’s absolutely insulting. Thank you, LGBT Republicans.
Then we have Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Gorsuch has written about LGBT people using the courts to advance our social agenda, including same-sex marriage. He also sided with an employer denying a transgender person the right to use the woman’s restroom for “safety reasons.” While Gorsuch would replace Justice Scalia on the court, he makes Scalia sound like a moderate. Thank you, LGBT Republicans.
Next, we have Trump rolling back the transgender rights that President Obama implemented through an executive order that allowed transgender people to use the restroom based upon their gender identity. Trump’s action led to the Supreme Court kicking a court case to the curb because the executive order was no longer in place. Thank you, LGBT Republicans.
The Fenway Institute issued a press release entitled, “What the American Health Care Act Means for LGBT People.” Surprise, the AHCA was not going to help our community. The release said the AHCA would have “devastating consequences” for people with HIV/AIDS and the low-income LGBT among us. Thank you, LGBT Republicans.
Caitlyn Jenner filmed a video saying that Trump’s LGBT positions were a “disaster.” What was a disaster was Jenner’s support of Trump during the presidential election. Thank you, Caitlyn Jenner. No more watching your low-rated show. Is it still on?
Finally, a quick scan of Trump’s cabinet is hugely revealing. From attorney general to the secretary of housing and urban development, to the secretary of education and beyond, no president has ever appointed such an anti-LGBT cabinet. Thank you, LGBT Republicans.
I’d welcome any of my Republican LGBT brothers and sisters to write an editorial defending their support of Trump. One of the most freeing phrases in the world is “I made a mistake.” I hope LGBT Republicans free themselves.
The reason you are so perplexed is this vote was all about telling the establishment to go F-Off we are tired of the usual screwing Washington give us, California is next.
And Washington isn’t screwing everyone now?
Well yes they are, but if the left would get out and demonstrate against those who are screwing them instead of who their controllers tell them to demonstrate against we would all be better off.