FACE is now accepting donations of new and “gently loved” high-end designer handbags, jewelry, accessories, and sunglasses for this year’s Bags & Baubles event. “Bags and Baubles is a wonderful opportunity to give so much to the animals without having to spend too much. Every donation we receive helps us provide an animal in our community with a second chance at life,” says FACE’s Executive Director Brooke Haggerty.
Donated items are fully tax-deductible and will be auctioned to provide grants to local families who are unable to afford the high costs of treatment for their critically injured or sick pets.
Approximately 500 guests attended last year’s Bags & Baubles, which raised nearly $150,000 for pets facing life-threatening conditions. Registration for the 2017 event is now open at www.bagsandbaubles.org.
FACE is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 public charity that has saved the lives of over 1,650 animals to date. Those looking for information about sponsorships or making a tax-deductible donation to Bags & Baubles can contact FACE by calling 858-450-3223, visiting www.face4pets.org, or emailing events@face4pets.org.