HRC: Is Mike Pence ‘Working for Women’? (VIDEO)

As Vice President Mike Pence received a “Working for Women” award from the Independent Women’s Forum, a conservative women’s organization on whose board Kellyanne Conway serves, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) released a video highlighting Pence’s “achievements.”

“What would we do without Mike Pence and his tireless efforts to ban women from making decisions about our own bodies, serve openly in the military, or earn an equal paycheck?” said Olivia Alair Dalton, SVP of Communications & Marketing for the Human Rights Campaign. “With an agenda like this, there are women everywhere who owe Mike Pence a debt they can literally never repay.”

A look back at some of Mike Pence’s historic achievements on behalf of women:

  • 1997: Pence wrote that children put in day care were emotionally stunted [CNN, 7/18/16]
  • 1999: Pence argued that the movie Mulan was a cautionary tale about the negative consequences of letting women serve in the military [BuzzFeed, 7/17/16]
  • 2008: Pence voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act [H.R. 1338, Vote 556, 110th Congress, 7/31/08]
  • 2009: Pence voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act [H.R.11, Vote 9, 111th Congress, 1/9/09]
  • 2009: Pence voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act (Again) [H.R. 12, Vote 8, 111th Congress, 1/9/09]
  • 2009: Pence voted against hate crimes protections for LGBTQ people [New York Times, 10/8/09]
  • 2010: Pence opposed allowing lesbian and bisexual women to serve openly in the military [Towleroad, 11/19/10]
  • 2011: Pence led the charge to defund Planned Parenthood while in Congress [Politico, 2/16/11]
  • 2011: Pence was an original sponsor of the 2011 bill to redefine rape to “forcible rape” [Washington Post, 2/1/11]
  • 2015: As Governor, Pence signed bill that allowed businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ people, but eventually relented in the face of overwhelming opposition [Indianapolis Star, 3/25/15]
  • 2015: Pence said he opposed adding sexual orientation to Indiana’s non-discrimination protections [ABC, “This Week,” 3/29/15]
  • 2015: Pence lobbied against legislation to encourage HPV vaccinations in Indiana [Indiana Public media, 2/26/15]
  • 2016: Pence signed a law that would have forced women to seek funeral services for miscarriages [Vox, 10/3/16]
  • 2016: Pence proudly stood by Donald Trump after Trump’s comments bragging about sexual assault were made public [CBS News, 10/10/16]

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