Last year saw major controversy surrounding the San Diego Human Dignity Foundation (SDHDF), which resulted in the forced resignation of its controversial executive director. Soon, other board members resigned and three funds removed themselves and their finances from the SDHDF. I received calls from former and current board members who accused the former executive director of mismanaging what could be hundreds of thousands of dollars.
A meeting of Ben Dillingham, Robert Gleason, Alberto Cortes, Barbara Blake and me was held to address the situation and the concerns of many community leaders and business people. The then board of directors promised an “audit” and a full report to the community to be released “early” in 2017.
Since then, months have passed without that report or audit. Again, my phone starting ringing off the hook after the announcement that the Foundation was pushing their fundraising gala for next month, before releasing the audit.
After conversations with SDHDF officials urging them to release the audit to the community as they committed to do, I have been informed that they will release the audit this week. I have been a strong supporter of the SDHDF since its beginning, but will wait until this community report before making decisions to support their Aston Brooks Awards Gala.
15th Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
Yes, 15 years ago grandmother Linda Childers and I came up with the idea of a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt hosted by the Imperial Court de San Diego, the always generous LGBT community and of course our LGBT Community Center, its staff, volunteers and Family Matters who serve thousands of children and parents. This coming Sunday there will once again be a fabulous Children’s Easter Egg Hunt with our honorary chair being State Assemblyman Todd Gloria and his staff.
So of course we need hundreds of baskets, etc. If you wish to donate, please contact the Imperial Court de San Diego, The LGBT Center or Assemblyman Gloria’s office or phone 619-972-6369 or get a hold of little ol’ me. Thank you!
Happy Birthday Rick Ford
For over 40 years our community has been able to count on businessman Rick Ford, who has donated countless thousands of dollars to community organizations, AIDS agencies and LGBT civil rights causes and LGBT candidates.

Before he moved to San Diego he was well-known as a Long Beach businessman and has been inducted into that city’s Hall of Fame at the Harvey Milk Plaza in downtown Long Beach.
He has an award named after him, The Rick Ford Humanitarian Award whose honorees have included Mayor Robert Garcia and the late police officer Kimberly Maddox.
This year he was also inducted into the International Imperial Court’s Hall of Fame as the founder of the Imperial Court of Long Beach and an Emperor de San Diego.
Rick has also been my best friend for over 45 years and deserves the Congressional Medal of Honor for putting up with me. Happy Birthday Rick (March 18) and God bless you!
I will be buried with Jose Julio Sarria
Yes, I am an old queen and not getting any younger. I have gone through some serious health problems and even received the last rites of the Catholic Church during a hospital stay.
I have had many friends pass away without any wills or funeral/memorial arrangements. Well not for me as I will have a full regal state funeral as the Queen Mother I of the Americas to be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral by Balboa Park.
Gay icon, World War II veteran, the first openly gay candidate to run for public office (1961) and founder of the International Imperial Court System, Jose Julio Sarria, is buried in a grand way in San Francisco and a few weeks ago his executor Mr. Kris Lippincott officially announced that my ashes have been granted a place with a royal marker at Jose’s side.
Jose was my mentor, father, mother and friend and I am so honored. Some of my ashes will also be entombed in St. Paul’s Cathedral including my silicone cheeks!