Matthew Shepard Foundation announces 2016 ‘Spirit of Matthew Award’ recipient

Activist and volunteer Zachary Mallory, 19, is the recipient of the 2016 Spirit of Matthew Award, an annual tribute given by the Matthew Shepard Foundation. The award highlights a young person who is advancing the work of the Foundation by promoting diversity, acceptance, and understanding through their words and actions. The award will be given…

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Kick off Pride with the San Diego Women’s Chorus at ‘Guided by the Heart’ July 14

SAN DIEGO – This past week, 55 members of the San Diego Women’s Chorus participated in the 2016 GALA (Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses) Festival in Denver, Colorado, performing five times in just four days, including a 30-minute set of their own to a packed audience in the Ellie Caukins Opera House and at…

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68 companies sign Amicus Brief supporting DOJ effort to block NC’s HB2

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Friday, 68 major companies joined the Human Rights Campaign’s amicus brief in support of the U.S. Department of Justice’s effort to block some of the most egregious and discriminatory components of North Carolina’s HB2 law. HRC is continuing to gather corporate support for the amicus brief, which will be re-filed at several…

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Massachusetts governor signs bipartisan legislation extending crucial protections to trans community

Friday, Massachusetts Republican Gov. Charlie Baker signed into law legislation extending commonsense, non-discrimination protections to transgender residents and visitors to the state. While Massachusetts state law already prohibits discrimination against transgender people in housing and employment, the new law extends these same crucial protections to public accommodations, such as access to restaurants, malls, restrooms, and…

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Ten states led by Nebraska sue Obama Administration over trans student guidance

Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson has filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of 10 states seeking to block President Barack Obama’s historic guidance to ensure the dignity and equal treatment of transgender students in public and federally-funded schools. The lawsuit filed by Peterson seeks to rescind the Obama administration’s recent guidance on transgender student rights,…

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Weekly Address: Standing together to stop the violence

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In this week’s address, Vice President Joe Biden commemorated the lives of the five police officers who were killed and the seven people who were wounded in Dallas. The police officers were providing safety to those who were peacefully marching against racial injustices in the criminal justice system – and the shocking…

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