Being a Rockette

I shudder at the dreams of the young today as they aspire to be great “stars” like the Kardashians or a singer whose main emphasis is on amassing scandals, friends with benefits and divorce millions. In our day countless high school girls (sorry, that is what they were then) dreamed of packing a suitcase, getting…

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Megalomania Dear Editor, Thanks for your (publisher’s) message on Donald Trump. You noted that a sign of his character is “… how much he uses the word ‘I.’” There is another narcissist much closer to home in the person of Nicole who probably has the same small hands. Last issue’s column total was 17 “I”s….

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A race to the bottom

No, I am not talking about Rich’s, Flicks or Urban Mo’s on a Saturday night. I am talking about the presidential race. While I am an ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton because of her experience and policy agenda, it is time to admit that Secretary Clinton is a flawed candidate. I understand why Clinton decided…

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