‘Love Has No Labels’ continues to extend the message of diversity through brand partners

https://youtu.be/b73AQuQGOcs NEW YORK — Love Has No Labels, the Ad Council’s iconic campaign promoting diversity and inclusion, is extending its message through new brand partners and activations throughout the month of June, including a presence at the New York City Pride Parade and Pride Festival on June 26, to celebrate LGBT Pride Month. The Ad Council…

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Bill to end gender bias in workers’ comp approved by State Assembly

SACRAMENTO – A bill by California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) to eliminate discriminatory practices in California’s workers’ compensation system that penalize women was approved on a bipartisan 56-16 vote by the California Assembly Wednesday. Assembly Bill 1643 makes the impairment rating for injuries resulting from work-related breast cancer equivalent to the rating for prostate cancer. The bill also…

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New LGBTQ web series ‘The You And The Me’ debuts for Pride month (VIDEO)

Dubbed The Gilmore Boys, the hilarious new web series The You And The Me was created by popular HuffPo scribe/author Greg Archer (Grace Revealed, Shut Up, Skinny Bitches!) and actor/filmmaker Jeff Dinnel (Explode For Me). No topic is left unturned. Smart and wry, with witty banter and insights, the web series explores the different perspectives from which…

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State Senate approves measure to ban smoking at state parks and beaches

SACRAMENTO – California’s state senate Tuesday approved SB 1333 which would ban smoking or disposal of tobacco products at a state owned or operated beach or park. “We have an obligation to value and preserve our environmental treasures,” said Sen. Marty Block, the measure’s author. “SB 1333 will help to keep our state parks and…

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NBCNews.com launches ‘NBC OUT’

NBCNews.com today launched “NBC OUT,” a new vertical dedicated to coverage about and of interest to the LGBTQ community. The vertical is live at http://NBCOUT.com — original content today ranges from a profile piece about an intersex millennial to an article about cisgender, black gay men in history, and a multimedia report about a Thai immigrant who started…

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Canada’s first emergency and transitional housing facility exclusively dedicated to homeless LGBTIQ2S youth unveiled

TORONTO – Egale Canada Human Rights Trust (Egale) has officially unveiled Egale Centre, Canada’s first and Toronto’s only facility that will combine the proven counseling services of Egale Youth Outreach with emergency and transitional housing exclusively dedicated to serving homeless LGBTIQ2S (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer, questioning and Two Spirit) youth. When its doors…

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Presidential Proclamation — President Obama declares June LGBT Pride Month

In an official proclamation released today by The White House President Obama has declared June LGBT Pride Month. The proclamation follows: BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union.  This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who…

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