President Obama endorses Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

President Barack Obama today endorsed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, CNN reported. In a web video released today Obama said, “I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office.” “I want those of you who have been with me since the beginning of this incredible journey to be the first…

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Her story is history

Well Hillary has finally gotten her true “first.” Secretary Clinton is the first woman to ever be the presidential nominee of one of the two major political parties in America. While Clinton has had an accomplished career, she never had her true first. Sure Hillary was the first first lady to be elected to the…

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SD Pride announces recipients of the 2016 Spirit of Stonewall Awards

SAN DIEGO – San Diego Pride today announced the 2016 recipients of the Spirit of Stonewall Awards. Every year Pride accepts nominations from the community to recognize individuals, organizations, and groups who have contributed significantly to the LGBT community through their leadership, activism and fundraising efforts. This year’s recipients include: Community Grand Marshal – Michael…

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Filmmaker brings powerful LGBT movie to North Carolina in light of HB2 (VIDEO)

LOS ANGELES — Filmmaker K. Rocco Shields hosts an exclusive screening of the award-winning, anti-bullying film Love is All You Need? in North Carolina  Thursday, June 16. The movie is followed by a Q&A with Shields, lead actress Briana Evigan (Step Up 2) and other cast as well as Blake Cooper Griffin (Ride), Mike C. Manning…

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FACT SHEET: Obama Administration’s record and the LGBT community

Since taking office, President Obama and his Administration have made historic strides to expand opportunities and advance equality and justice for all Americans, including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Americans. From major legislative achievements to historic court victories to important policy changes, the President has fought to promote the equal rights of all Americans…

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The art of making Scotch

I’m not a Scotch drinker yet I was excited about attending a Scotch tasting. The tasting – a training seminar for team members, was arranged by TRUST’s co-owner and General Manager Steven Schwob. Schwob believes knowledge is essential to providing “exceptional service” for a “more enjoyable dining experience.” Michelle Fedor, brand ambassador for Bruichladdich (Brook-LAH-dee)…

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dvr this AMC, Sundays, 9 p.m. Based on a cult graphic novel, Preacher is the story of a dejected minister in small town Texas who is given mysterious supernatural abilities for unclear reasons. It’s a mix of horror, fantasy and superheroics, and it’s wildly fun and very weird. Produced by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg,…

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