49 celebrities honor 49 victims of Orlando tragedy in new Ryan Murphy-produced tribute released by HRC

WASHINGTON — The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has released a special tribute to the 49 victims of the Orlando shooting at Pulse nightclub on Latin night. The 18-minute tribute — directed by Emmy Award-winning Ryan Murphy and Ned Martel, with the support of their colleagues at Ryan Murphy Television — features a diverse cast of 49…

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Alicia Champion’s latest song, ‘Bi’ is creating unity and initiating conversations (VIDEO)

SAN DIEGO – In a time where unity among the LGBTQ community is critical, indie recording artist, Alicia Champion is singing about the one part of the community that is the least recognized or discussed – bisexuals. Ironically many gays and lesbians across the nation will come out to family and friends during Pride month…

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White House Fact Sheet update: Promoting and protecting the human rights of LGBT persons

June 2016 Update Throughout the Obama Administration, the promotion and protection of the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons has been a specific focus of our engagement around the world.  U.S. diplomacy, foreign assistance and other activities abroad have all sought to advance this goal, ensuring that efforts to promote and…

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Smoking at California state beaches and parks on way to becoming history

SACRAMENTO –A bill that would ban smoking or disposal of tobacco products at a California state owned or operated beach or park was approved today by the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee on a nine to five vote. Sen. Marty Block (D-San Diego) said his bill, SB 1333, would help California fulfill its obligation…

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House LGBT Caucus denounces hearing on ‘License to Discriminate’ legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus today denounced the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform’s decision to hold a hearing on H.R. 2802, which would give a government ‘license to discriminate’ to businesses and non-profits to discriminate against LGBT people.  The Committee’s decision to hold a hearing on this anti-LGBT legislation comes in the…

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City of Texarkana, Ark. repeals non-discrimination ordinance protecting LGBTQ people

The city of Texarkana, Ark. has voted to repeal its non-discrimination ordinance, taking the city backwards and rolling back the rights of its LGBTQ citizens. The ordinance, which had passed the Texarkana Board of Directors by a unanimous vote early this year with broad-based support from citizens and the business community, was targeted by an…

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