In this season honoring various traditions, one is mindful of the places with differing cultures where misinterpretations are likely, but finding what might be called a mixed metaphor right here in a San Diego display case gave me pause.
The age old depiction of Christ’s birth in the traditional stable/manger crèche scene included an unannounced visitor leading his camel and bringing a gift or two. I was reminded of my Decembers in Tokyo which brought yearly instances of laughter or horror: a department store’s “Christ-A-Rama” section, the huge banner in another proclaiming “Merry F*cking Christmas” and my favorite, the life-size display of Santa on a cross. Those inhabitants of distant lands oft times err in their interpretation of another’s beliefs or conventions. I trust, however, their heart is in the right place as they try to appeal to a particular section of their population.
A Buddhist visitor here notes with equal horror any statue with Oriental features is invariably called Buddha and, with a flower glued behind his ear, over-sees a cute sushi-sake party or serves as a garden decoration beside a gnome and a pink flamingo. I suppose one could pronounce it ecumenical blending. Anyway, I am glad that although the nativity and its cast are no longer allowed as subjects for public songs, the depictions might sneak in other attendants who are. Next year the camel could be replaced by Rudolph. Can the happy Snowman be far behind? Perhaps the family (and guests) can be in a sleigh gaily jaunting off to grandmother’s house. The viewer might even realize what they are going there to celebrate.
LGBT codes
Today’s hit songs contain clever lines and rhyme schemes, but the speed baffles and the slang befuddles me. Maybe it is a trick to talk about sex and drugs without the outsiders understanding. It is similar to our code words in the long ago when secrecy ruled. A private language made us special as well as a joke on “them.”
On a whim (remember them?), I recently googled “gay slang” and similar categories and found an astonishing number of listings of words just for us. Naturally I had to check a few. Hours later my head was spinning. The familiar words were there plus lots of new ones which were made more intriguing by their reference to some sexual genres and sub-genres I had never heard of. Wow! Not judging, just saying.
Some practices were a revelation and all were informative. The SM aficionados win for most diverse with a “gripping” assortment of clothing, equipment and toys (is a tickle-wand a toy or equipment?). Most eye-opening was the imposing list of trans-community entries. It was an enjoyable, enlightening afternoon and I recommend this as a way to get a peek into the great variety of LGBT worlds.
When something interests you, use your computer and apps. With your new-found code words for special scenes, others reading your ad or comment won’t know your real topic. We used to do this mentioning “family” or “my friend Dorothy.” Things have improved, but discretion is still important to many who might find it more discreet to throw out a key word and hope for a coded response. With these vocabulary words at your disposal, you raise your chances of finding the right group or partner. Good luck.