Tanzania bans HIV/AIDS outreach programs that serve LGBT people

Tanzania has banned HIV/AIDS outreach programs in the latest in the country’s discriminatory laws against the LGBT community. Out reports that this ban comes just months after Justice Minister Harrison Mwakyembe announced a plan to end pro-LGBT charities. Health Minister Ummy Mwalimu also announced a ban on personal lubricants because it “encourages homosexuality.” The Washington…

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UC San Diego commemorates World AIDS Day Dec. 1 with Memorial Quilt display and events

The University of California San Diego will honor World AIDS Day on Thursday, Dec. 1 to raise awareness of the impact that HIV/AIDS has had and continues to have on the San Diego community, the nation and world.  In recognition of the international event day, which was established in 1988, the campus will sponsor a…

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San Diego Log Cabin Republicans to the LGBT community: ‘Stop acting as we accuse others of being’

Following the barring of transgender San Diego Police Officer Christine Garcia from attending the recent Transgender Day of Remembrance event at The Center because she was in uniform, the president of The Log Cabin Republicans of San Diego, Gina Roberts has issued a statement describing the LGBT community as exclusionary, and that the community should,…

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NASTAD launches accredited education program to elevate the standard of care for black gay men

WASHINGTON, D.C. – NASTAD (National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors), has announced the launch of a new online training platform, HisHealth.org, to help doctors, nurses, and medical professionals unlearn racial biases that create barriers to good care and elevate the quality of healthcare for black gay men and black men who have sex…

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