LOS ANGELES, Calif.—Equality California Friday announced the endorsement of three strong LGBT allies for state legislature. The candidates are as follows:

Raul Bocanegra (Assembly District 39 currently represented by Democrat Patty Lopez of San Fernando.) During his time in the California Assembly, Raul Bocanegra proved himself a strong LGBT ally, earning an Equality Score rating of 100 percent from Equality California each year. He supports LGBT cultural competency training programs for health professionals, LGBT-specific anti-bullying programs in California schools and has backed legislation like AB 1266 protecting the right of transgender people to use facilities and participate in programs based on their gender identity. He also supports legislation, such as the recently passed SB 1146, requiring state-funded private colleges and universities to follow California non-discrimination laws.
“Raul has already proven himself a reliable ally of the LGBT community,” said Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California. “He has voiced his commitment to supporting potentially controversial pieces of public policy, because, as matters of social justice and civil rights, it’s the right thing to do. He has supported our community and we are pleased to support him for California Assembly District 39.”

Josh Newman (California Senate, District 29 – currently represented by Republican Bob Huff of San Dimas.) Josh Newman is the founder and executive director of ArmedForce2Workforce, a non-profit dedicated to helping servicemembers make the transition from military service to working life. Newman himself served in the US Army for 14 years, where he was aware of and supported openly-LGBT servicemembers before the overturning of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” Newman has indicated that he will “proudly and unequivocally” continue his support of the LGBT community if elected to Senate.
“Josh demonstrated his support for LGBT servicemembers despite a government policy forcing them to live in hiding,” said Zbur. “We are confident that he will show the same courage and commitment to the LGBT community as a state legislator.”

Eloise Reyes (California Assembly, District 47 – currently represented by Democrat Cheryl Brown of Rialto.) Attorney Eloise Reyes features her LGBT civil rights platform prominently on her campaign website. She has voiced strong support for laws requiring state-funded private universities to adhere to California LGBT anti-discrimination protections. She has also indicated her commitment to be a “champion” for LGBT civil rights, and to ensure that existing civil rights laws are enforced.
“Eloise believes strongly in diversity, inclusion and equality,” said Zbur. “Her passion for these issues will make her an outstanding advocate and ally for our community in Sacramento.”