Barbara Boxer endorses Mara Elliott for San Diego City Attorney

Barbara Boxer and Mara Elliott
Barbara Boxer and Mara Elliott

SAN DIEGO – Mara Elliott’s campaign for City Attorney announced Thursday the endorsement of United States Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Sen. Boxer said: “Mara Elliott has dedicated her career to standing up for working people, protecting our environment, and strengthening neighborhood services. I’m proud to endorse Mara Elliott for San Diego City Attorney.”

Boxer’s support further consolidates Democrats behind Elliott who has already been endorsed by the San Diego Democratic Party and nearly every Democratic leader and group in the region. In her 2010 reelection, Barbara Boxer soundly defeated Republican Carly Fiorina within the City of San Diego by over ten points, 52-42. Mara Elliott is the only Democrat running for City Attorney.

Mara Elliott responded: “It’s an honor to earn the endorsement of Senator Barbara Boxer, a true champion for California families and working people.  As Chief Deputy City Attorney,  I held polluters accountable to clean up San Diego Bay and rooted out millions in wasteful spending at City Hall by reforming city contracting.  As City Attorney, I’ll protect neighborhoods and taxpayers by prosecuting polluters, cracking down on crooked city contractors, and defending children and the elderly from abuse.”

In addition to the broad Democratic coalition backing her campaign, Mara Elliott is endorsed by former City Attorneys John Witt and Casey Gwinn, San Diego City Firefighters, San Diego Deputy City Attorneys Association, Planned Parenthood, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and the Sierra Club.

Mara Elliott is Chief Deputy City Attorney and the Democratic nominee to be San Diego’s next City Attorney. To learn more about Mara Elliott’s campaign for City Attorney, visit or follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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