Latino Victory Fund welcome Obama’s and Clinton’s remarks at CHCI

Obama Clinton 4WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last night, Secretary Clinton and President Obama delivered remarks in front of thousands at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s (CHCI) Annual Gala.

Clinton blasted Donald Trump for “bigotry” because he refused to say President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and she called on a roomful of Latinos and online viewers to “stop him conclusively in November,” reported NBC News.

Obama roused the crowd with economic news released this week by the Census bureau showing that last year the U.S. experienced the first significant increase in household income since 2007 and the number of people living in poverty fell, the report continued.

“Thanks Obama,” someone in the crowd yelled. “Thanks Obama,” the president responded.

“In each of these areas, Latino Americans made some of the largest gains,” Obama said. “That’s why all in all Hispanic families are feeling more optimistic about their prospects today than they did eight years ago.”

César J. Blanco, interim director of Latino Victory Fund said, “Secretary Clinton and President Obama delivered pointed remarks at the CHCI gala last night. Their words were a reminder that we’re not in this fight alone. But they also highlighted the importance of electing the right leaders who have our back, who treat us with dignity and respect, and who will go the extra mile for our priorities.

“Our community today is economically doing far better than when President Obama took office. Hundreds of thousands of DREAMers are shielded from deportation and have the ability to work, study and contribute to the country they love, and over four more million Latinos have health insurance. But we have a long way to go to address the needs of our community. We must ensure that we do our part to tackle those issues, and it starts by electing Hillary Clinton and a Congress that will work with her, so that the next four years are prosperous and that they build on the wins that President Obama delivered for our community.
“Secretary Clinton is right: we are not intruders nor are we strangers. We make this nation “stronger, smarter, and more creative.”  We kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month with resounding success – coming together to show our community’s power and determination, harnessing the energy of the Latino electorate and picking up our efforts to get out the vote this November. Now let’s get to work together to elect the right leaders and move our country and our community forward.”

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