Say yes to life’s blessings

As a progressive Christian, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to a loving God; this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!

There’s a story recorded in the Gospel of John where Jesus is at a party – it’s actually a wedding feast! I love that Jesus’ first recorded miracle takes place at a wedding, a celebration!

Jesus is at the reception and the provisions are running low. But then, Jesus, in the blink of an eye, affirms that there is abundance beyond what can be seen with the physical eye and goodness and provision flow again.

What a great scene between Jesus and his mother.

“Hey Jesus, come over here, they ran out of wine.”

“Yes, mother. Why are you telling me this? My time hasn’t come yet.”

Then Mary looks to those around and says with great parental authority, “Do whatever he tells you.”

She knew where the Source was. What are some lessons for us here? Cooperate with the visionary. Support the positive thinker. Embrace the possibilities of positive change. Say yes to opportunities.

There is power in yes! Theologian Rev. Dr. Watkins says, “I’ve often said that when prayers aren’t answered it isn’t that the Universe said no, it’s that we said no to Heaven’s Yes. We would only accept it if it came in the way we specified, instead of realizing the yes to our heart’s desire might come in a bigger, better package than what we first imagined. Instead of saying, ‘Why was the answer no?’ we should sometimes ask, ‘In what way was the answer yes?’ And then, when we say yes to the yes, the wine of gladness flows.”

What is life offering you right now? An opportunity? A moment of comfort? The beginning of a breakthrough? A lesson that will serve you well down the road? I believe there’s a blessing for us today if we will say yes to it. So, let’s say yes! Yes! Yes!

There is also a stewardship lesson for us here. When they seemed to run out of something, they still had something else to share.

Sharing keeps the goodness and gladness flowing. Whether it’s a widow sharing what she believed would be her last meal with a prophet, or a kid sharing his lunch with a multitude, the bible shows over and over that when we share what we have, no matter how little it may seem to us, miracles tend to happen. When we give what we have, it makes a positive difference.

And finally, the turning of water into wine (the wine of gladness), is a symbol for joy. The miracle takes place at a party, a celebration. A time of joy! How many of you remember your first crush? Your first kiss? The first time you were surrounded by people like you and celebrated for who you were? Great joy!

When we celebrate life, when we embrace joy, we have more to share and more to give. When we celebrate what is good, we can handle the difficult.

Today, let’s remember those who help us celebrate. Mary said to the caterers, “Do whatever he tells you.” After all, they participated in the making of the wine of gladness! So let’s remember bartenders, baristas, waiters, cosmetologists, florists, hotel workers, housekeepers, janitors, hairdressers, our own hospitality team … and all of those who serve and give of themselves so that we all can enjoy life a bit more.

Jesus said that his purpose wasn’t to be served, but to serve. When we serve, we are following the example of Jesus. And those who do it day in and day out deserve our appreciation. Let’s give some love to those who choose to serve to make our lives better.

Share what you can. Offer service, and appreciate those who serve. What a positive difference this will make in your life and in our world. Say yes to life’s blessings!

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