EQCA endorse Doug Applegate for Congress and Steve Padilla for Chula Vista City Council

Doug Applegate and Steve Padilla
Doug Applegate and Steve Padilla

SAN DIEGO — Equality California (EQCA) today announced  endorsements of 11 strong pro-equality candidates for Congress, the California Legislature and local offices throughout the state including the endorsement of two local candidates:

Doug Applegate (Congressional District 49 – San Diego) – A former U.S. Marine Colonel, Iraq veteran and current attorney, Doug Applegate strongly supports the enactment of strong civil rights for LGBT people at the federal level, including the federal Equality Act, and is an advocate for veterans and comprehensive immigration reform. During his 32-military career, he opposed the anti-LGBT “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and voiced his support that LGBT service members be allowed to serve openly and proudly. Applegate is opposing Congressman Darrell Issa (R-San Diego) in his congressional reelection bid.

Steve Padilla (Chula Vista City Council) – Steve Padilla is a former Chula Vista mayor, city councilmember and police detective. He is committed to maintaining Chula Vista’s historically LGBT-inclusive policies, enhancing collaboration with local LGBT organizations and to opposing laws that would target LGBT people for discrimination. He has proudly supported LGBT organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign, HonorPAC and the San Diego LGBT Community Center. He wants to serve as an example of an out, proud public official for LGBT youth.


“Equality California has been able to accomplish the things it has because of its work with the LGBT and allied elected officials with whom it collaborates in Washington, D.C., Sacramento and around the state,” said Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California. “This fall, we are pleased to endorse a group of candidates with a proven track record of supporting LGBT civil rights and social justice, and are confident that they will fight for strong laws protecting LGBT people.”

For a full list of EQCA’s endorsements go here.


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