A race to the bottom

No, I am not talking about Rich’s, Flicks or Urban Mo’s on a Saturday night. I am talking about the presidential race. While I am an ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton because of her experience and policy agenda, it is time to admit that Secretary Clinton is a flawed candidate.

I understand why Clinton decided to have a private email server. I had a friend in Columbus, Ohio in the ‘90s that used to bring me his laptop every three years or so to wipe his hard drive to Department of Defense standards. Why? He did not want his employer, the State of Ohio, to be able to look at his browsing history or anything personal he kept on his laptop. Clinton made the same decision. She erased her personal emails, which was her right. Had her emails been kept on a Department of State server, they could be recovered even if they were deleted. Virtually forever.

I fully understand Clinton’s decision but it just feeds into her “untrustworthy” meme.

Then we have the “Donald.” Donald Trump has managed to alienate every section of the electorate except the “crazies” who are just like him. You know, the conspiracy theorists that believe Barack Obama was not born in the United States. The people that believe every Muslim is a potential terrorist. The people that believe everyone should be able to carry a gun openly. That LGBT people should be treated as second class citizens.

Donald Trump represents the discriminatory underbelly of this country. He is an outsider in the political arena but the ultimate insider with white voters who are increasingly becoming disenfranchised in “their country.” Trump taps into their frustration because he probably experienced it during the height of affirmative action in the ’70s and ’80s. I am sure Trump thought the African American, Latino and women students at Wharton Business School were less than him. The exact sentiment he is tapping into with many voters today.

As the world looks askance at this unprecedented presidential election cycle, the American voter has a great choice; someone who tends to be evasive and bends the truth, or someone who is misogynistic, racist and a megalomaniac. Talk about a race to the bottom. My vote is for “untrustworthy.”

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