Proving once again that he’s no friend to the LGBTQ community, Donald Trump has endorsed the GOP’s proposed 2016 platform, which is being described as the most anti-LGBTQ in the party’s history.
“There’s no way to sugarcoat this: I’m mad as h— — and I know you are too,” Gregory T. Angelo, the president of the Log Cabin Republicans, wrote in a fundraising email sent Tuesday evening. “Moments ago, the Republican Party passed the most anti-LGBT platform in the party’s 162-year history.”
He continued, “Opposition to marriage equality, nonsense about bathrooms, an endorsement of the debunked psychological practice of ‘pray the gay away’ — it’s all in there.”
In an interview with Fox News, Trump said, “I think what’s happening with the platform is very good.” A slew of anti-LGBTQ provisions have been approved, including a provision supporting anti-transgender discrimination, a provision calling for a Constitutional amendment undermining marriage equality, and another supporting the discredited and dangerous practice of so-called “conversion therapy.”
“The addition of conversion therapy in the GOP’s platform shows they’re far from finished fighting against the LGBT community,” Faith in America executive director Eliel Cruz said in a statement. “Conversion therapy has been denounced by all leading medical organizations. The practice stems from a religious-based archaic understanding of sexuality that believes homosexuality is a choice and is sinful.”
Keep it up, GOP. Keep up the racism, sexism, homophobia, nativism… All the more votes for Hillary.