As a progressive Christian, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to a loving God; this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!
I don’t know about you, but as I’m writing this, I am still reeling over the horrific mass shooting in Orlando – and I need healing. My heart still hurts looking at the pictures and hearing the stories of the senseless loss of life – tragically cut short. Tears come easy. I feel it in my body.
Part of my self-care this week was to fast from watching TV for 24 hours. I was beyond saturated. The LGBT community (MY community) blatantly attacked by a vicious hate crime. Hatred not spawned from another country – but from American soil. Homegrown homophobia.
Sadly, there are many conservative religious groups that still espouse hate and fear; and if there was ever any doubt as to the strong need for our message of the inclusive love of God for ALL people – that doubt has turned to determination. Hatred, violence, racism, homophobia, transphobia – these are the opposite of community, inclusion, justice and spiritual transformation that we hold as our core values.
Let’s hold our heads up high – being vigilant and wise – and not letting fear be the dominating force in our lives. In less than a month, we’ll be marching and celebrating Pride in San Diego. Let’s come together, in unity, as never before. Sí, se puede!
It was beautiful and healing to gather together as a community at The LGBT Community Center – we need each other. Below is the closing prayer of the rally/vigil before walking to the flag pole and then Rich’s.
God of many names;
God of all-inclusive Love;
We gather tonight to just be with each other, we need each other more-than-ever right now. God, this hurts!
We pray together, we mourn together and seek healing from the shock of the largest mass shooting in U.S. history aimed at our community. It’s hard not to feel this deep in our guts. There are so many emotions we are processing.
We remember the dead, their beautiful lives tragically cut short, we pray for their families and loved ones, we pray for those who are still recovering, and we seek peace and comfort in our own lives. We gather tonight to stand with Orlando.
And yet, standing with the people in Orlando in their shock, their despair and their grief is not enough! We cannot just stand by. Let us renew our commitment to the work of peace and justice!
Replace our fear and anger with hope and faith and love – for we know love ultimately wins!
As we go out into our community right now – may we leave this place with pride and dignity and courage and determination and most of all, love.
Peace be with you;
God bless you!