As a progressive Christian, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to a loving God; this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!
There’s a story in the bible about a woman named Hannah, going to the temple to pray because she wanted so much to have a baby. Hannah and her husband had been trying for years! She had even made a promise to God – “if you give me a child, my firstborn will be given back to you in gratitude and will serve you in the temple.” Talk about giving your first fruits to God! Now, I call that extreme tithing!
Well, Hannah did have a son, and named him Samuel. After he was old enough, she took Samuel and gave him over to Eli, the priest in the temple to be raised, just like she promised – and Samuel becomes a prophet, who later installs Israel’s first two kings, first Saul and then David.
Now, Samuel, who was given to a priest to be raised, when he was still very young, is the one who hears God’s call in the night, (“Samuel. Samuel” – remember this story?) And he grows up to be a prophet of God, a king-maker, and a liberator.
Samuel heard the call and answered, “Yes, God, Yes.” Beloved, God is still calling today. The calling never stops. How are you going to respond?
We are all uniquely gifted and talented; like snowflakes, no two gift-mixes are alike. You are gifted! The important thing is to recognize that these gifts have been given to you, not just for your own purposes, but to serve others.
So, as we are looking to develop and refresh a healthy attitude of service, remember to 1) not become too “ME-centric”. As tempting as it may be, don’t allow your life to totally revolve around yourself. It’s not all about you! Hate to burst your bubble!
Serving is a great reminder of how others need you, how others can benefit from you and your talents, and how, by doing service, you can see the world with a fresh, new perspective. Remember that quote from my dad, “You can’t pour happiness on someone else without spilling a few drops on yourself.” It’s a win-win!
When we serve others and see their happiness, and see what a difference our service makes in their life – it’s so rewarding. Serve without expecting anything in return and see how God blesses you and others!
2) Follow your heart and offer your gifts. Find your passion and follow it. God has blessed you with unique talents and gifts. You have special callings and talents that you can use to love others and make such a positive difference in their lives. Find an opportunity in the community to serve. It really is fulfilling to use your gifts, because giving of your special gifts allows you to use them for what they are designed to do.
3) Don’t over commit! Here’s practical spirituality, again. Don’t try to do everything. When people over commit they tend to burn out. None of us wants that.
And when you don’t over commit, you’ll be able to keep the commitments you made! You’ll be faithful to the commitments you made – and that’s a good thing – because people count on you. Please know around here, we never want you to feel optional or anonymous! You matter. Your gifts make a difference.
We don’t have to be like so many other non-profits that follow the 80/20 rule, where 20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work. No! If each of us served in our own ways and areas of giftedness, we would be able to accomplish so much more than if one of us, or a few of us, tried to do it all.
Just do your part and allow God to use you. Remember, you’re also needed at home, and at your work; it’s all about balance.
And 4), remember, you aren’t serving alone. It might feel like it sometimes, but God goes with you, so you are never on your own power. Serve in confidence. God will give you the words to say, the strength to serve, the wisdom to discern, and the ability to love the way God does.
Finally, 5) allow your service to be a worshipful offering to God.
As we’ve been talking about refreshing healthy habits for life, this is a perfect time to refresh your commitment. Your financial gifts, your prayers, your attendance, your support of special events, all help us to share the message that all people have sacred value, that we are each God’s miracle, because God makes no mistakes!
Thank you!