Androgynous supermodel Rain Dove weighs in on HB 2 fight (VIDEO)

Androgynous supermodel Rain Dove has joined the fight against North Carolina’s anti-LGBT law HB 2. Dove just released a video fighting HB2 with Elliott Sailors, Benjamin Melzer, and many more, in which she spent the day wearing diapers.

“Laugh and Help SHARE AND SAVE A LIFE,” wrote Dove on Facebook. “The oppressive “Bathroom Bill” in North Carolina is NOT VALID despite the fact that the Governor refuses to take it down! I repeat NOT VALID! It isn’t valid now and IT WASN’T VALID BEFORE TECHNICALLY BECAUSE IT COULDN’T BE ENFORCED.

“Here is the second funny video in our series- please enjoy the laugh and SHARE! This is SO IMPORTANT. You never know who may need this information and who they may be connected to you on friends list. You may literally be saving a life, as the attempted suicide rate for transgender individuals is 49% (largely due to this type of social rejection).

“This isn’t just a trans issue. This is a human rights issue.”

“I don’t have to live in North Carolina to support the people of North Carolina, said Elliott Sailors. “I want to be proud of my country and all of its states. I’d like to be able to say that this is in fact a free country. But more importantly, I’d like to say I live in a free world. Discrimination anywhere truly breeds discrimination everywhere and I won’t stand for it. I stand for freedom.”

Benjamin Melzer added,  “I refuse to live in a world where children and those who are vulnerable are not protected. Living in a country(Germany)where you may declare your gender on your birth certificate is a precedent that should be used as a model for real progressive change in the U.S.”

Watch the video above.

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