Dining Out For Life® San Diego celebrates 10-year milestone April 28
There was a time when fighting AIDS meant claiming the streets in civil disobedience and getting arrested. The heady turbulent winds blowing through the ’80s were filled with enraged voices chanting “Fight AIDS! ACT UP!” People were battling for their lives and believe me, police batons hurt – they leave a nasty bruise and make breathing painful for weeks afterwards.
Gratefully, the circumstances of HIV/AIDS have changed dramatically during the ensuing years. Today, fighting HIV/AIDS is as easy as picking up a fork, or raising a glass of wine. Today, the mantra is “Fight AIDS! Dine out!”, and you’re cordially invited to join the fight Thursday, April 28.
I recently spoke with Ian Johnson, the San Diego LGBT Community Center’s director of events, about Dining Out For Life. Here’s what he had to say.

Lance Ryder: Congratulations on Dining Out For Life’s (DOFL) 10th anniversary. How has the event changed over the years?
Ian Johnson: Thank you. It’s exciting! DOFL San Diego has grown tremendously from its inception in 2007. The inaugural year had 31 participating locations and now that has more than doubled with close to 70 locations participating in 2016. Restaurants, bars, coffee houses and ice cream parlors have all joined this year in an effort to prevent HIV and to provide services for those living with HIV/AIDS. We’ve also seen an increase over the years in the number of businesses willing to go above and beyond the 25 percent (of sales) level of donating, which is really incredible.
And, most importantly, we continue to see more and more people dining out, sometimes making a full day of it and dining out for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Without the enthusiastic community support this event has enjoyed since it began, we wouldn’t be celebrating this 10-year milestone. We’re very grateful for the support from everyone involved in making DOFL such a successful community event.
What is new this year?

This year, we’ve added a new element to our event called “Tipping Out.” In celebration of the 10th annual DOFL, the event will donate 15 percent of its net proceeds to the San Diego HIV Funding Collaborative. Community members this year will also be able to drive down the street and spot red balloons in front of restaurants/bars that are DOFL locations. This has been made possible thanks to our Balloon Brigade Volunteers.
DOFL is a nationwide event. Do the funds raised locally stay in the community?
Funds raised by DOFL San Diego stay in our community. DOFL happens in almost 60 different cities, but all are produced by different local HIV/AIDS service organizations as a way to benefit those communities. Since its inception, DOFL has raised over $4.23 million for local HIV/AIDS organizations.
What specific programs benefit from DOFL?

There are many! Perhaps most importantly, we have recently expanded our #BeTheGeneration (thecentersd.org/programs/hiv-services/bethegeneration.html) HIV testing to six days a week at The San Diego LGBT Community Center as result of community support.
How has DOFL changed lives in San Diego?
In addition to raising much-needed funds for HIV services and prevention efforts, I think an important aspect of the event is it helps break down the stigma regarding HIV. It gives all participants a chance to visibly show support for people living with HIV and that they are committed to supporting efforts to help end this disease. It also gives a chance to provide important HIV education in a positive and engaging way.
What do you want our readers to know about DOFL?
This is truly a win-win-win event for our community. Not only can people raise funds for vital HIV services and programs, but they send a message of support for those impacted by HIV. Our supportive and generous restaurant/bar partners benefit by the increased business. And our community benefits when we all get to participate in a meaningful way for an important cause.
The City of San Diego is once again proclaiming April 28 as the “Dining Out For Life San Diego Day”. It’s such an amazing day to be out and about – there’s an exciting energy from all the diners, restaurant staff and the amazing ambassadors. I really look forward to the day just so I can move around town seeing so many familiar and new faces out for the same reason – to make a difference. Everyone is in such a great mood. Obviously, I really love this event!
A dozen local businesses have been a part of Dining Out For Life® San Diego since the beginning. They are: Baja Betty’s, Crest Cafe*, DiMillie’s Italian Restaurant, Martinis Above Fourth*, Pecs Bar, Ponce’s Mexican Restaurant, Redwing Bar and Grill, The Mission* and Urban Mo’s. Several “newcomers” include many yummy restaurants I’ve previously reviewed, including: Hillcrest Brewing Company, Fig Tree Cafe, Buona Forchetta, Brazen BBQ and Big Front Door.
I wanted to obtain a participating restauranteur’s perspective and spoke with Big Front Door’s owner Sheep Riley. We were sitting outside on a warm sunshiny day when I asked him why he does it; why he participates in DOFL. He gave me a look of incredulousness. “You’re kidding,” he said. “I’m serious,” I replied. “We do it to support the [San Diego LGBT Community] Center,” he said. “The Center is a valuable asset for the community, and we do everything we can to support their efforts.”
Do your part to make a difference. Lift your fork or raise your glass to fight HIV/AIDS and fund life-changing programs. You’ll be glad you did.
Find locations and make reservations here: http://www.thecentersd.org/events/dining-out-for-life-restaurants.html
* Indicates 50% of sales donated for HIV/AIDS services and prevention efforts.