Late Saturday, the Maryland legislature passed a historic bill that, if signed by Gov. Hogan, will make Maryland a national leader in closing the gender pay gap. The governor now has three weeks to sign the bill to make it law.
“Maryland made history on Saturday. With the Governor’s signature, Maryland will become a national leader in the fight to close the gender pay gap,” said Charly Carter, executive director of Maryland Working Families. “This is a huge victory for women, for transgender equality, and for working families across the state.
“Nearly 40 percent of households have a female breadwinner, and those families simply can’t afford to be making less. We believe in this bill because it tackles the two biggest impediments to equal pay for equal work: pay secrecy and the tracking of people based on gender into jobs with less responsibility and lower wages.
“We urge Gov. Hogan to not stand in the way of history, and sign this bill. Working families need pay equality, and we need it now.”
Facts on Maryland’s historic proposed Equal Pay law:
This bill tackles the root of the pay gap — it expands transparency, allows employees to talk about their wages with one another, and eliminates the so-called ‘mommy track’ that sidetracks many women from success in the workplace.
It allows Marylanders to get justice in two ways: through lawsuit, or by filing complaints with the state’s labor commissioner.
The bill covers anyone discriminated against on the basis of gender, including women and transgender Maryland residents.
It makes Maryland the national leader on gender pay equality protections.