After 39-hour filibuster Missouri’s anti-LGBTQ bill moves to House

Eight senators in Missouri filibustered for a historic 39 hours to prevent a discriminatory religious exemption bill from moving forward in the legislature. SJ39 is a bill that would ask the voters of Missouri to amend their constitution to allow religious organizations and individuals to use their faith to legally justify refusing services and benefits…

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The City: Top to Bottom

thursday, march 10 Loreena McKennitt In a recording career spanning more than two decades, Loreena McKennitt’s ‘eclectic Celtic’ music has received critical acclaim worldwide, and gold, platinum and multi-platinum sales awards in 15 countries across four continents. To date, she has sold over 14 million albums with a catalogue that includes seven studio recordings, three…

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New report shows burden of Major Depressive Disorder; access to care a significant problem

ALEXANDRIA,Va.—A new analysis by Avalere and Mental Health America (MHA) finds that significant barriers to quality care for individuals with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) exist, that insurance coverage does not necessarily equal access to care, and that patients often feel left out of their own treatment. This infographic summarizes the results found in the white…

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The Imperial Court de San Diego Royale Gala and Inauguration to be held April 10

The Imperial Court de San Diego is proud to present the Royale Gala and Inauguration to be held April 10 at Rich’s, 1051 University Ave. in San Diego. Join the Board of the Imperial Court as they say thanks to Prince Royale Michael Torres and Princess Royale Katrina Duall for a wonderful year. Plus join Reign XLIV with…

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LGBTQ Task Force celebrates International Women’s Day by joining UN call for acceleration of gender equality

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National LGBTQ Task Force is celebrating International Women’s Day 2016 by joining the United Nation’s call for the acceleration of gender equality. “As we celebrate International Women’s Day, and the progress that has been made toward gender equality here and across the globe, it’s vital that we intensify all efforts for…

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SSA grants spousal benefits to Texas widow in Lambda Legal case

Today Lambda Legal and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare announced the resolution of a lawsuit against the Social Security Administration (SSA) brought on behalf of Kathy Murphy, a Texas widow denied spousal benefits after the death of her wife, and the National Committee. “The basic tenets of the Social Security program…

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Australian government sends gay refugee couple to a country where homosexuality is a crime

The global gay and lesbian community has been asked to help a gay refugee couple currently living in fear after the Australian Government’s punitive refugee policies have left them languishing on the tiny island country of Nauru in Micronesia, northeast of Australia, where homosexuality is a crime. Ashkan and Nima* fled Iran – where they…

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Colombia: International adoption now legal for LGBT couples

In November of 2015, the Constitutional Court of Colombia ruled to lift the country’s existing restriction on gay and lesbian couples’ right to adopt. This landmark ruling will not only allow same-sex adoption within Colombia, but will extend internationally, thus granting same-sex individuals and couples in other countries the ability to adopt Colombian children—a huge…

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