I just came back from spending five days in New York, full of meetings, events, speeches, etc. As many of you know, I was a national co-chair of “Stonewall 25” which drew almost 800,000 people to Central Park and a lineup that included Liza Minelli and an LGBT March on the United Nations.
This past weekend I met with top officials of New York Heritage of Pride to discuss “Stonewall 50,” which will be observed and celebrated in 2019. New York Pride is an outstanding organization that is respected by all, and in 2019 World Pride will also be coming to New York. Millions of LGBT people, friends and allies will be “coming home” to Stonewall 50. I am happy to announce that the International Imperial Court Council will be producing the big “drag ball” of the weekend, celebrating drag queens, dykes, trans people and sissies!
See you in New York in 2019!
Rocky Chávez for State Assembly
Latinos Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are not the hope of the future of the Republican Party. Proud Marine veteran Rocky Chávez is, and I endorse him for re-election to the State Assembly (76th District). Yes, I don’t agree with him on all issues just like I don’t agree with Atkins, Gonzalez and Gloria on everything. Chávez, who is progressive on social issues, is the perfect, respected Latino leader who California GOP leaders should support. I predict a bright future for this assemblyman.
Lightner is playing political games … again
Here comes Lightner game playing and back stabbing again. Sherri Lightner likes to come across as a nice “Aunt Bee of Mayberry” character, but she really isn’t. Let’s not forget how she stabbed Todd Gloria in the back for the presidency of the City Council. Now, at the ninth hour, her husband, Bruce Lightner has entered the race to succeed his wife. Although he is a registered Republican, he only entered this race to be a spoiler and stop front runners Ray Ellis and Barbara Bry from winning outright at the primary election. Listen up Bruce Lightner, your purpose in entering a city council race is to serve, not to just spoil. But as they say, like wife, like husband … dirty politics as usual.

John McCusker remembered
Exactly eleven years ago our community was shocked and outraged when the Catholic Bishop of San Diego refused to say a mass for John McCusker. John was one of the most popular and loved community activists and businessmen in San Diego. He owned Club Montage, which was awarded and named “one of the best nightclubs in the U.S.A.” John was like a son to me and was a chair of “GLBT Vote San Diego” and was an organizer of the “2000 March on Washington.”
The bishop of San Diego was known to be a complete homophobe, and even at times refused to say a mass for people who died of AIDS. His refusal received national media coverage and 100 percent condemnation until he relented. I just love the McCusker family and at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral this past Sunday John was remembered. I was in New York, but I know for so many of us, John McCusker lives forever in our hearts.
Happy Birthday Rick Ford and Carolina Ramos
Two of San Diego’s wonderful community people are celebrating their birthdays this month. Rick Ford has been giving back to our LGBT community, non-profits and civil rights causes since the 1970s. Carolina Ramos has been a champion for diversity and people of color communities for decades. Happy Birthday Rick (March 18) and Carolina (March 30).
Chris Kehoe and Evonne Schulze: True heroines
Both of the great women and public servants have been inducted into the San Diego County Women’s Hall of Fame. One is a lesbian and one is straight, but both of them have been champions of women’s rights, and a more progressive San Diego. Evonne Shulze was the first city council candidate to openly accept gay support and stood tall for gay rights. Because she did, the religious right went after her and she lost a race everyone believed she would win by a few hundred votes. The Sunday before the election almost every church had flyers passed out against homosexual support for Evonne Shulze.

Chris Kehoe, who I like to call “San Diego’s Harvey Milk,” made history by becoming the first openly LGBT person elected to our city council. She has become an icon in our community and is a role model of a public servant.
Oh by the way, Evonne and Chris ran against each other for the 3rd District city council race. For me personally, I think it is fitting that these two women, heroes of the fight for equality for all Americans, both San Diego political legends, were inducted at the same time.
God bless both of these two remarkable women.