U.S. Supreme Court reverses Alabama Court’s refusal to recognize same-sex adoption

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court of the United States has made a unanimous decision reversing an Alabama Supreme Court’s refusal to recognize an adoption by a lesbian non-biological mother. HRC joined a coalition of organizations on an amicus brief urging the court to hear the case.

The same-sex couple were in a relationship at the time E.L. had given birth to all of their children. The couple temporarily moved to the state of Georgia so that V.L. could formally adopt the children. The Alabama Supreme Court had argued that the state of Georgia had erred in allowing the non-biological mother to adopt the children without first terminating the parental rights of the biological mother.

“Any attempt to deny legal rights to our families is reprehensible, and this ruling establishes that bias and discrimination cannot be allowed to undermine the bond between LGBT parents and their children,” said HRC legal director Sarah Warbelow. “The nation’s highest court today ruled in the best interests of these children, setting a firm precedent for others across our nation. These children have two parents, and should have the security that comes with legal recognition.”

“We applaud the courageous plaintiff and her legal team, including the National Center for Lesbian Rights, for their victory.”

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