CHICAGO — Cohabitating couples are splitting up with the help of lawyers in a growing number of relationships. According to 45% of members in a recent survey of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), legal disputes between unmarried couples who had previously lived together are on the rise during the past three years. A significant 70% of the attorneys also noted a decrease in cohabitation agreements being drawn up between same-sex partners since same-sex marriage has been legalized.
“Even without an engagement ring or marriage license, a live-in relationship can often produce a number of legal complexities and tangled disputes that could require the involvement of legal counsel,” said Joslin Davis, president of the AAML. “While cohabitation agreements might represent an effective option for a variety of partners with finances and assets to protect, we are also finding a substantial decrease in these contracts for same-sex clients, coinciding with the marriage equality movement in recent times.”
Overall, 45% of AAML members have cited an increase in the number of legal disputes between unmarried couples who had previously lived together during the past three years, while 53% stated no change, and 2% saw a decrease. In all, 26% cited an increase in cohabitation agreement requests from unmarried couples, 68% said no change and 6% noted a decrease.