After failing to stop same-sex marriage becoming law in all 50 states, the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has hit another obstacle — a critical shortfall in donations.
Despite still attracting support from Republicans the group has now repeatedly warned of a critical donation shortfall. Pink News reports that the group has sent no less than twelve messages to all supporters soliciting funding in the past fortnight, begging for help as it falls short of targets.
President Brian Brown wrote in one email, “As the end of year approaches, I have to sound the alarm. NOM exists only because of your generous support and we raise most of our funds in our year-end membership drive.
It’s tough to say it, but we’re almost out of time, and we’re only around halfway to our goal. We’re not going to make it unless you step to the plate.”
Well, I guess there comes a point when for even NOM’s bigoted donors enough is enough!