Al Best’s memorial: June 28
Some decades ago, long before Kehoe, Dumanis, Atkins, DeMaio, Gloria, Padilla, Roberts, Beiser, etc., an openly gay man named Al Best announced his candidacy for the City Council of San Diego. Yes, he was making history with this announcement and he was immediately fired from his good paying job because his “gay candidacy” was bringing…

City of San Diego management at its worst
Cultural heritage is the legacy left behind by former generations that helps future generations understand their history and how that history impacts their lives. Recently, part of the LGBT heritage of San Diego was unceremoniously demolished by a developer who was issued a permit to do so from the City of San Diego. The small…

The soul of Motown comes to The Civic
LGBT Weekly talks to Allison Semmes who plays Motown icon Diana Ross The music and artists that were a part of Motown in the early ’60s changed the face of music and started an era of soul and dignity. Berry Gordy Jr. created Motown in 1959 and it was fully incorporated by April 14, 1960….

San Diego Summertime … and the music is LIVE!
With so many wonderful venues in San Diego, it’s no surprise that the city attracts a high level of musical talent. This summer features a great selection of music, ranging from pop to rock and introducing new, up-and-coming artists along with veterans who have performed for decades. We’ve broken down some of the highlights by…

HRC condemns Michigan Gov. Snyder for signing extreme anti-LGBT adoption legislation into law
WASHINGTON – Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) condemned Michigan Governor Rick Snyder for signing a package of extreme anti-LGBT adoption bills into law. In the name of “religious freedom,” the dangerously broad bills have enshrined special taxpayer-funded discrimination into Michigan law and permit rampant discrimination against committed and loving LGBT couples, putting thousands of…

NC legislature overrides Gov. McCrory’s veto of public official ‘marriage opt-out’ legislation
Today, by a vote of 69-41, the North Carolina House of Representatives voted to override Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto of SB 2 – a law allowing “magistrates, assistant registers of deeds, and deputy registers of deeds to recuse themselves from performing duties related to marriage ceremonies due to sincerely held religious objections.” McCrory said he…

dvd of the week Probably because of how great Neil Blomkamp’s first film District 9 was, critics were nasty that his third Chappie wasn’t as good. But I can’t fathom the hatred of the film, which I thoroughly enjoyed and found politically astute. Like District 9, Chappie takes place in a near-future South Africa ravaged…

dvr this First season streaming on Netflix Netflix’s latest binge-fest is a science fiction mindbender from the Wachowskis called Sense8. Eight different people from all over the world are mysteriously psychically connected by a dying woman (Daryl Hannah) pursued by black-clad villains. The thriller aspect of the story is less interesting than the individual dramas…