Photo: YellowBlue
Nov. 15, Brazil’s only gay choir celebrated its first anniversary. For the Gay Choir of Curitiba (Coral Gay de Curitiba) this was a huge milestone recognizing a year of creating musical experiences and strengthening their role among the LGBT community.
The Gay Choir of Curitiba developed from a modest project into an institution that nowadays comprises of 30 singers, a speech therapist, a percussionist and a trumpet player.The goals of the choir is to enrich the choristers, support LGBT rights, challenge homophobia and expose new communities to their message of equality. The choir also aids other institutions with donations including the Emanuel Project (Projeto Emanuel) and Pequeno Cotolengo which will be receiving food donations collected at the Christmas Concert organized by the choir Dec. 5 and 13.
To find out more about this groundbreaking initiative go here.
I’m so proud of my bf having his picture published on an international news website while singing! You guys are amazing, congratulations for Fabio who is the founder and regent of the choir for his initiative