New GOP embraces gays
Dear Editor:
As a dedicated reader of GLBT online newspapers, including yours, I’m amazed by how endlessly hateful and intolerant the reporting is on the Republican Party.
There is a new day for gay people in the GOP.
Consider this:
The Republican National Committee has removed all anti-gay planks from their 2016 national platform.
The lead attorney, who won the California and USSC cases that declared bans on same-sex marriages unconstitutional, was George W. Bush’s former evangelical right-wing Solicitor General Ted Olsen. Yet, Mr. Olsen’s name is never mentioned in the gay press.
GOP senators from Illinois, West Virginia, Ohio and New Hampshire, as well as the Koch brothers, signed amicus briefs to the USSC in support of gay marriage. So did over 300 other influential conservative Republicans, former cabinet members, and senior staffers to GOP senators and U.S. representatives, as well as those serving powerful Republican state legislators, according to Time magazine.
GOP Govs. Rick Snyder (MI) and Chris Christie (NJ) dropped their opposition to gay marriage. Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman supported legal same-sex marriage. Tennessee Gov. and chair of the Republican Governors Association Bill Haslam, now supports marriage for us, and so does Gov. John Kasich of Ohio.
Sen. Rand Paul has advocated for estate rights for gay couples.
Tammy Bruce, an avowed lesbian and top ranked conservative talk show host for Los Angeles KABC-AM, is also the deputy editor of the conservative Washington Times, as well as a regular panel host for women of the televised Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
No GOP Congress has ever cut AIDS funding.
Florida Gov. Rick Scott selected an openly gay man as his chief economic development adviser. Mr. Scott also appointed the president of the Log Cabin Republicans of Miami to the Florida Commission on the Status of Women.
And Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner joined New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in banning conversion therapy.
When the light is shining in, the gay press should not keep their readers in the dark.
Orlando, Fla.
The Republican National Committee has removed all anti-gay planks from their 2016 national platform.
Has anyone bothered to tell this to Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee or Rick Santorrum or any of the other candidates?
Trump seems to have no history of anti gay sentiments . It seems that besides a cleaned up platform the majority of GOP voters want to discuss economy and foreign policy . Democrats will continure to treat gays equally too, stealing from and lying to gays and straights alike.
Not sure, but has anyone told Democrat candidates they can oppose Planned Parenthood and selling baby parts as well as being pro life? Also, tell “gay” organizations they can also be pro life – why is it necessary to require adherence to the pro abortion line?