Many in the LGBT community are crying foul about comments by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on the Rachel Maddow Show last week. Clinton, when asked about the damage her husband’s two anti-LGBT compromises, the Defense of Marriage Act and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, inflicted upon our community, responded that they were defensive moves to prevent something worse from happening. In particular, Clinton stated that there were forces out there trying to mount a Constitutional amendment to prevent same-sex marriage.
As an activist of a certain age, I know this is not true. As do many others who were active in the ‘90s during the signing of the two horrible laws. First, let me be clear that I understand that Secretary Clinton did not sign the legislation into law, her husband was the culprit. So Secretary Clinton should not be held to account for her husband’s actions. I get it. My husband would hate being held to account for many things I have written in LGBT Weekly. I also hope that my husband would defend my opinions in a public forum or at least attempt to, as I am sure you would like your partner to do too. So, where’s my beef? With LGBT activists who are screaming about what Clinton said, many of whom were ardent Clinton supporters in 2008.
If Clinton’s comments are LGBT poison in 2015, why were the same LGBT activists supporting her in 2008? The simple answer is they should not have been a Clinton supporter in 2008 or they should continue to support Clinton today. You don’t get to have it both ways.
Yes, Clinton is using revisionist history when she tries to defend her husband’s pitiful compromised decisions. But LGBT activists who vigorously supported Secretary Clinton in 2008 are also using revisionist history to justify their indefensible outrage about Clinton’s defense of her husband. It is also the height of hypocrisy.
These LGBT activists were fine with Clinton in 2008 because it was a different time, now the activists have evolved and Clinton as a candidate in 2008 is no longer as acceptable in 2015. When you hold someone to a standard you cannot uphold yourself, the old Biblical saying says it best, “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” There are some mighty glass houses in our community on this issue. You see a little revisionist history goes a long way.
You say, “If Clinton’s comments are LGBT poison in 2015, why were the same LGBT activists supporting her in 2008? The simple answer is they should not have been a Clinton supporter in 2008 or they should continue to support Clinton today. You don’t get to have it both ways.”
What about the LGBT support for Obama in 2008? On the gay marriage issue he was on the same page as Sarah Palin (100% clearly against it), but you guys supported him anyway. You don’t get to have it both ways.