After over two hours, three forums and four votes, the San Diego Democrats for Equality endorsed Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, Attorney General Kamala Harris, and Justin DeCesare on Thursday night.
The evening began with a series of announcements, with the most applause going to retired Marine Colonel Doug Applegate, who is running against Rep. Darryl Issa (CA-49). Club President David Warmoth then discussed the voting procedures, and the impacts of a club endorsement. In what appeared to be an allusion to recent vote stacking allegations against Speaker Atkins, Warmoth noted that multiple office holders had helped increase the rolls of the club, giving the group a larger voice in certain party decisions.
The first forum was to feature Atkins and State Sen. Marty Block, candidates for State Senate in the 39th District. Due to duties in Sacramento, Block was unable to attend, and had a staff member read an endorsement letter from openly gay State Sen. Mark Leno. Atkins used her statements and responses to discuss her deep roots with the club and city and to rattle off a list of accomplishments. A motion to delay the endorsement vote until Block could be present failed, and Atkins won well more than the 60 percent of votes necessary for endorsement on the first ballot.
Focus then turned to the U.S. Senate race, where Rep. Loretta Sanchez is running against California Attorney General Kamala Harris. Neither candidate was present, but Sanchez sent her campaign manager, and Councilmember David Alvarez announced that he had been asked to speak on her behalf. Former San Diego County Democratic Party Chair Jess Durfee volunteered to speak on behalf of Harris, and former State Sen. Christine Kehoe also voiced her support. After questions and discussion, Harris narrowly cleared the 60 percent threshold to gain the endorsement.
The final forum featured two candidates in the San Diego District 7 Council race, Jose Caballero and Justin DeCesare. Both used their statements to list endorsements from local leaders and elected officials, and questioning focused on addressing homelessness and the fate of the Chargers. On the first ballot, DeCesare bested Caballero, but missed the endorsement threshold by less than one percent. By Club rules, a second vote was held with the only options being DeCesare or “No Endorsement.” DeCesare gained the 60 percent mark on the second ballot to obtain the club’s endorsement.
The night ended with a reminder of the San Diego Democrats for Equality 40th Anniversary Brunch, to be held at The Prado Nov. 7, with special guest former Assembly Speaker John Perez.