GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has attempted to deny and walk back her own words suggesting that the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v Hodges, the case that led to nationwide marriage equality is the law of the land. Talking Points Memo reported today that Fiorina denied she’d ever called the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized marriage for same-sex couples across the nation, the “law of the land,” contradicting one of her earlier radio interviews on the subject.
According to the TPM report, she was asked about the comment in an interview with conservative Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson, which was flagged by Right Wing Watch. Mickelson pointed out that referring to Supreme Court decisions as the “law of the land” rankles residents of the Hawkeye State in particular.
“I actually—with all due respect Jan—I think that is a quote from someone else, not from me,” Fiorina responded. “I know there are many Republican candidates, [John] Kasich among them, who have said those exact words.”
But the former Hewlett-Packard CEO did refer to the impending decision in the case as the “law of the land” in an interview earlier this year with Caffeinated Thoughts, an Iowa conservative blog.
“The Supreme Court ruling will become the law of the land,” Fiorina said in the interview. “However much I may agree or disagree with it, I wouldn’t support an amendment to reverse it.”
“Carly Fiorina is playing politics with the constitutional right of LGBT Americans to be treated equally under the law in order to advance her longshot campaign for president,” said JoDee Winterhof, Senior Vice President of Policy and Political Affairs for the Human Rights Campaign. “What Carly Fiorina can’t deny is that her track record includes support for the discriminatory Prop 8 and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s anti-LGBT right to discriminate bill. Carly Fiornia’s extreme anti-LGBT positions put her out of the mainstream of the American people.”
Fiorina not only supported a federal constitutional amendment preventing marriage equality and Prop 8, but she also defended Mike Pence’s anti-LGBT bill as a “ginned-up controversy.”
Another lie for Fiorina.
Fiorina is fond of saying that the presidential campaign reveals who candidates really are, under pressure, over time. On the LGBT issue, and by refusing to concede that she overstated her anti-abortion position (about an aborted fetus, “heart. beating. legs. kicking.”) at the second debate, she’s revealed herself to be a liar who won’t capitulate, even when evidence is clearly to the contrary (and I lean republican, pro-life).
I personally also feel she’s doing more than ginning up her time at HP to sound better than it was. If you look at the USA Today charts on her performance there, it smells more like another lie.
A Gallup poll revealed that a record breaking 75 percent of Americans feel the government is corrupt. Our nation is hurting and we need to be able to trust our elected officials. We can’t fix this citizen/voter apathy by nominating a liar. That goes for H. “liar, untrustworthy, dishonest” Clinton.
Fiorina isn’t a pro-life champion–she’s actually setting the cause back by doubling down. She should recuse herself from the race so she can spend more time chasing those pesky Dalmatians for her coat.