On the heels of National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (Sept. 27), a new awareness campaign launched by Theratechnolgies – Don’t Take VAT – focuses on the health risks associated with excess visceral adipose tissue (VAT), a type of fat that can affect people with HIV.
Many HIV positive people either have no knowledge of VAT or believe the excess fat in their midline is no different than regular fat, when in fact it could be VAT. Aside from obvious cosmetic issues, serious medical concerns arise from VAT accumulation, including the potential for increased risk for diabetes and heart disease as well as difficulty with basic body movements. Don’t Take VAT seeks to inform HIV patients about the condition, and Theratechnolgies have launched a new Web site (www.donttakevat.com) with an informational video that provides patients with more information and encourages consultations with healthcare providers.