DNC unanimously approves a resolution in support of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage

Thursday, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) body unanimously approved a resolution in support of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that extended marriage rights to same-sex couples throughout the country.

The Washington Blade reports, “Same-sex marriage is a constitutionally guaranteed right nationwide and can no longer be denied by state laws,” reads the resolution. “The ruling now recognizes same-sex marriages all across this nation and these families will now be protected under the law from the discrimination and mistreatment to which they have long been subjected.”

The resolution also describes the ruling in the Obergefell case as “an important victory for the LGBT community” and “a monumental step forward for our nation.

“The Democratic National Committee applauds this Supreme Court decision and will continue its work in achieving real progress and supporting the LGBT community,” it reads.

The DNC is expected to ratify the resolution later today.

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