RNC gearing up for anti-gay resolutions at upcoming meeting

The Republican National Committee is set to vote during its summer meeting on resolutions against same-sex marriage and in favor of anti-gay sex education in schools.
The Washington Blade reported that they had obtained text of two proposed anti-gay resolutions and a third relatively pro-gay counter-proposal on the table for discussion during the upcoming meeting in Cleveland, Ohio.
One resolution, titled “Resolution for Balanced Sex-Ed in Schools,” was introduced by former Michigan State House lawmaker and RNC member Dave Agema. It encourages schools “teaching the homosexual lifestyle in their sexual education class” to “also include the harmful physical aspects of the lifestyle.”
Another resolution, titled “To Reserve, Strip and Pursue,” was introduced by Republican National Committee member Ross Little of Louisiana directly. The proposal responds to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage by calling for action from Congress saying the ruling violates the U.S. Constitution.
To read the full report and text of the resolutions visit washingtonblade.com

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