Microsoft supports the Equality Act

This morning, Microsoft announced its support for The Equality Act, a comprehensive federal LGBT non-discrimination legislation. “To create technology that empowers the world, we need to reflect the diversity of the world,” Microsoft said in a statement. “Supporting diversity, inclusiveness and equal treatment is not just good for business, it is also the right thing…

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San Diego Unified rolls out strategic plans for Youth Advocacy Office

The San Diego Unified School District’s Office of Youth Advocacy today outlined an innovative long-term strategic plan for closing the achievement gap with improved student supports and awareness, including specific steps to provide greater supports and training to address needs of an increasingly diverse student body and to assure equitable outcomes for all students. The…

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Meet the first openly trans man in the U.S. military (VIDEO)

Today, YouTube content creator Raymond Braun shared his latest video featuring Sergeant Shane Ortega, the first trans man to serve in the U.S. military. Raymond talks with Sergeant Ortega about his military career, some common misconceptions about the trans community and how to be a trans ally. Watch above as Sergeant Ortega talks with Raymond…

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New report reinforces need for more affordable housing in San Diego

SAN DIEGO – San Diego Housing Federation says the report released today, Linking Innovation with Inclusion: Demography, Equity, and the Future of San Diego, shows “linking people and place” through affordable housing policies moves all of San Diego forward equitably and sustainably. Conducted by University of Southern California Program for Environmental and Regional Equity, the…

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