WASHINGTON –Today, U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced the establishment of a working group to study the “policy and readiness implications” of allowing transgender service members to serve openly.

Earlier today the Associated Press broke the news that the Department of Defense would soon announce a plan for lifting the ban.
The working group will “start with the presumption that transgender persons can serve openly without adverse impact on military effectiveness and readiness, unless and except where objective, practical impediments are identified.”
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) which has long called for an end to the military’s ban on transgender service, praised the announcement. “We welcome and applaud the announcement by Secretary Carter that the military will at last conduct a comprehensive review of the outdated ban that has for far too long discriminated against qualified transgender Americans who simply want to serve their country,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “The time for ending the military’s ban on transgender service is long overdue, and we are confident that the Pentagon’s review of this discriminatory policy will find what many have come to know is true: Transgender Americans have every right to serve their country openly and honestly, and their sense of patriotism and duty is no less than any other service member’s. Our military and our country will be stronger when this archaic policy is finally discarded and we look forward to that day.”
Earlier today, SPARTA, one of the leading advocates for transgender military service, hailed the Associated Press report. “This is a tribute to the honorable military service of thousands of transgender Americans. There is much more to do, but the Secretary’s clear intent to treat transgender soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines with the same dignity and on equal footing with other service members aligns with the core values of our Armed Forces,” said Allyson Robinson, Army veteran and SPARTA Director of Policy. “We stand ready to provide resources to the Working Group for the regulations changes required to take care of all the troops.”
“Six months is more than enough time to hammer out the details. This isn’t new ground,” continued Robinson. “A number of our military allies deploy transgender troops alongside American forces down-range, as do DOD contractors. Police and fire departments have managed transgender inclusion. I’m confident that our military leaders can handle this as smoothly as the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’”
Transgender service members who belong to SPARTA had these reactions.
“I’ve always put the Air Force and my job first, and my commanders have treated me with dignity and respect,” said Sr. Airman Logan Ireland. “I am grateful that there will be one clear policy so that others like me will be able to continue to serve with pride.”
Airman Ireland recently attended the White House Pride Reception with his fiancée, Army Corporal Laila Villanueva, also transgender. He was allowed to attend in male uniform, a departure from current Air Force policy.
“My leaders have operated on the basis that how I do my job is what matters,” echoed Army Staff Sergeant Patricia King, an infantry soldier stationed in Colorado Springs. “But until now, the policies haven’t been in place to provide me or my unit the support we need, so we’ve improvised. This action would put the right process in motion, to give us clear guidance so I can keep doing my job, and taking care of my soldiers.”
“While some people don’t understand, many of my fellow soldiers have been supportive,” said Army Captain Jennifer Peace, a transgender woman serving in a Stryker Brigade Combat Team. “This change allows me to continue to do my job without the additional burden of pretending I’m someone I’m not. And that makes me a better officer and leader.”
Congresswoman Susan Davis, Ranking Member of the Military Personnel Subcommittee, issued the following statement on the DOD announcement. “I’m pleased to see that Secretary Carter is taking a step in the right direction and I hope it leads to our transgender service members being able to serve openly. I agree with the Secretary that our current policy is outdated and is distracting from core missions. There is still work ahead for equality to prevail and for those who are eager and able to serve their country to have that opportunity.”
The new working group is expected to take up to six months to complete its review.