WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego) voted for the 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 6) to provide nearly $9 billion in mandatory funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to encourage biomedical innovation and research into new treatments and cures. The House approved H.R. 6 on a strong bipartisan vote of 344-77.
“Medical research has always been a beacon of hope for patients and their families,” said Davis, an original cosponsor of the 21st Century Cures Act. “That beacon will burn a bit brighter if we can send this bill to the president’s desk, who has expressed his support for the bill. This renews our commitment to medical innovation to help ensure that America remains a leader in this sector and it will spur economic growth.”
The bill creates the NIH and Cures Innovation Fund to deliver $8.75 billion over the next five years and direct the money toward high-risk high reward research. It will also push for the best trained and best equipped biomedical workforce to compete with the rest of the world. Adding to that competitive strength, H.R. 6 encourages greater diversity by supporting efforts to bring more women and minorities into the bioscience fields.
In the House, Davis has been a leader of efforts to increase NIH funding, bringing her House colleagues together in urging a more robust commitment for medical research.