Metabolic Direct and San Diego LGBT Weekly are proud to announce the winner of the 2015 Pride Health Challenge … Sharell Gooding. A little over eight weeks ago, LGBT Weekly partnered with Metabolic Direct to give members of the community an opportunity to pursue a healthier lifestyle before Pride. While it was difficult to select a winner from the four contestants that took the journey, Sharell was selected for her determination, winning spirit and overall results.
Sharell’s journey is amazing; she lost over 35 pounds and has made a permanent change in the way she views food, exercise and what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Using the outstanding Metabolic Direct supplements and nutritional products, coupled with lifestyle coaching by Vincent Ferrucci and Chris Stewart, plus eating real food she prepared, Sharell was able to achieve phenomenal results.
Here in her own words is what Sharell had to say about her journey:
“My Pride Health Challenge journey has been life changing, to say the least. I have grown and adapted a healthier approach to what I do and eat. I look for the “better” options when I go out to eat and I look for opportunities in my schedule where I can get a great workout (for free). I have a “can do” attitude toward a healthy lifestyle moving forward, and I could not have done that without great help from my coaches Vincent and Chris from Metabolic Direct. For them, I will be forever grateful.
I have been all in from the beginning of my journey through today. I started what I thought was a healthy menu a week before I found out I was a contestant, in hopes that I would get accepted and be able to make an attempt to reach my goal. By doing that, I eased into the preconditioning menu with less of a battle. On the other hand, exercise has always been my biggest hurdle. Since I’m on a budget, I started looking for free (and fun) exercise classes and found out that the public libraries host a variety of workouts, from Zumba to yoga.

In the middle of my journey, I became more self-aware. I noticed that I had more energy to do everyday tasks, like bounce up a flight of stairs as opposed to being winded when I reached the top. I could eyeball correct portions rather than use a food scale. This is when I noticed I was feeling happier. Of course, I did have that one meltdown in front of family at a buffet because I couldn’t have a slice of cheesecake. I felt happy because I felt able, like I was in control again. I felt like I could control what I ate despite my mood or what everyone else was doing. I started focusing on me.
Now, I feel unstoppable! I feel like I can reach my goal weight. I’ve lost 35 pounds and gone down two sizes! I have a better understanding of what I put into my body and how everything I do affects my energy level and weight.
Thank you to the LGBT Weekly Pride Health Challenge and Metabolic Direct for helping me to become a healthier me. You have helped me overcome emotional hurdles and excuses to come out more confident than ever before. This Pride, I will be celebrating a new me. A thankful, confident and healthier me!”
It is so gratifying to know that LGBT Weekly and Metabolic Direct helped four people take the steps to achieve health goals that were important to them. Marcel Hetu, Kurt Cunningham and Ildifonso Carillo all have different journeys with good results. Please check out their stories too on LGBTweekly.com.
Be sure to cheer Sharell on as she rides in the Pride Parade. What exemplifies Pride more than achieving goals you set and pursuing a healthy lifestyle? Congratulations Sharell, Ildifonso, Marcel and Kurt, you have inspired us all with your commitment to yourself and your health!
If you would like to achieve the results of the Pride Health Challenge Four, please call Vincent Ferrucci at 1-844-Fat-Lose or visit Vincent’s Metabolic Direct web page at coachvincent.com
At Metabolic, we have to look beyond the food, get to the root of why and go from there.
Here is what we offer, and what makes us different:
• DNA Testing:
By testing the clients DNA it will let us know if they have issues with: feeling satisfied after they eat, metabolizing certain foods, meal frequency and make up, which supplements will benefit them most and so much more.
• Hormone Testing:
A hidden hormonal imbalance can cause a person to over eat, crave carbs and sugars, see sluggish weight loss, lack of motivation and drive, feel as if their get up and go has got up and went, not sleep, feel as if they are in a funk and so much more. By testing the clients hormones we can get down to the physiological reason why they may be struggling with staying on a healthy eating plan and help them get their health and happy back!
• Emotional Connection:
Many of our clients have gained their weight by putting themselves last in their life, others have noticed that as they have aged it has become more challenging to keep their weight off…for many of our clients they have dealt with something that has caused them to go to food to suppress the pain, trauma, stress of the past.
• Nutraceutical Grade Herbs and Vitamins:
Our foods in most cases, is nutrient deficient and over processed. An important part of getting our health back is to give our bodies what it needs to function from a vitamin, mineral and nutrient stand point. This is why we offer a variety of high quality herbs and vitamins to repair the body from the inside out. The goal is to not only move the number on the scale and shrink into the size we feel our best at but to extend our quality of life and our life.
• Variety of Nutrition Plans: We offer multiple program options all aimed to give our clients the right foods – at the right times – in the right amounts to boost their metabolism and help them achieve their goals.
We offer a variety of programs, based on your medical eligibility, goals and needs of a program. Clients lose between 2-7lbs per week. While seeing an increase in their energy levels and quality of life.
• Our clients have tried it all and what they need from us is a program that works along with Inspiration, Support, Commitment and Coaching to help them get to their goal and keep it off:
We also offer~
• Education and Maintenance:
Our clients are coming to us to lose the weight but also keep it off. Along their journey Education is key to help them develop the knowledge, skills and empowerment that they got this.
We want this to be your last weight loss program. Our on going growth and knowledge will keep our clients growing as well. We want our clients to reach their goal and feel like they have the tools to keep it off.
Your Success Is Our Success!
Visit coachvincent.com