San Diego Border Patrol shows Pride at first official LGBT event

SAN DIEGO, Calif.—For the first time, members of the United States Border Patrol, San Diego Sector, held an LGBT Heritage Event at their regional headquarters in Chula Vista, Calif., Tuesday, June 30.

More than 100 people attended the standing-room only event. The theme, “Color Our World with Pride,” included speakers Laura Duffy, U.S. Attorney for the Southern California District, who is also the first LGBT official confirmed by the U.S. Senate; and Fernando Lopez, Director of Operations at San Diego LGBT Pride. Other highlights included a Border Patrol Color Guard, video entitled, “Coming Out of the Shadows,” with interviews from LGBT officers and agents, and a Q&A panel at the conclusion of the ceremony.

Lopez briefed the audience on LGBT history, shared personal experience working with marriage equality issues, and highlighted education outreach programs San Diego LGBT Pride provides to the community annually.

“We are proud of the Border Patrol for the steps they are taking to educate their organization on the authentic lives of the LGBT community,” said Lopez. “We are proud of all of our local law enforcement agencies for their efforts to break down the barriers on the path to Liberty, Justice, for All.”

Duffy praised the recent Supreme Court of the United States decision on national marriage equality and called for increased focus on acts of violence against the LGBT community.

“We have witnessed a profound – even astounding – national pivot away from hate and intolerance, and toward acceptance, respect and understanding,” said Duffy. “Of course, even as we celebrate remarkable advances, it is clear that we still have more work to do. Even while acceptance is growing, there are still many incidents of violence against members of the LGBT community, particularly transgender individuals.”

Duffy also focused attention on inclusion and policies that protect LGBT employees within the Department of Justice.

“This administration and this Department of Justice has long called on Congress to protect LGBT employees by passing an inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act. This legislation would provide basic protections against workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.”

Duffy concluded her remarks with a call to action to celebrate recent LGBT victories, while also renewing our commitment toward equality for all Americans.

“So – as we draw the celebration of LGBT month to a close, and reflect on the progress towards equality and freedom that have been made this past year, let’s also renew our commitment to doing our part to reach back and out to ensure that all individuals, no matter who they are, or where we find them, have an opportunity to know all the freedom that mark the character of this great nation,” said Duffy.

The event concluded with a Q&A panel for audience members to engage with Lopez, Duffy and the LGBT Border Patrol employees featured in the video.

With the end of national pride month and as our community prepares for the 41st Annual San Diego Pride Celebration, July 17-19, San Diego LGBT Pride is proud to recognize the work of the Border Patrol, other law enforcement agencies and the military to bring LGBT education and awareness to their ranks for “Liberty and Justice for All.”

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